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(Because undercut Lix is back)

Felix hates it: feeling so deceived and manipulated and dumb for not realizing it sooner, so wronged in every way despite finding nothing overly unjustified about Chan's decision.

Sure, the alpha lied to him, once again, about the reasons he was doing the things he did; intentions were hidden, motives were overlapping, and Felix was just expected to play the pawn constantly being dragged around on Chan's grand board of chess without ever providing the omega an explanation until the silvernette figures it out himself and is screaming in the other's face.

He is tired of being used (but can he even call it that?); he is tired of being shielded away from reality, labeled as the sunshine and kept in the light but then later punished for being ignorant to the monsters hiding in the dark. How can he be expected to know and understand anything if he's protected from the threat before it even comes to head? Why does Chan feel the need to micromanage him like he's actually part of this pack, like the alpha is actually responsible for his well-being?

If Felix's safety is at risk, then Felix wants to be the one to put his safety there in the first place and realize that it is at risk.

If Felix's identity makes him vulnerable and susceptible to threats, then Felix wants to be the one to figure that out and decide the course of action from there.
If Felix's trust in this young alpha wolf is the reason he's blind to the fact that he's being played with, then Felix wants to be the one to make sure that he is not the only party leaving with the burning sense of betrayal.

The omega wouldn't consider himself the bitter or spiteful type, not typically one to consider things like inflicting suffering or enacting revenge... But the wolf world always seems to bring out the worst of people, doesn't it? Chan was, after all, a lot more pleasant to be around before the politics got involved.

Or maybe Felix is just too... on-edge around a pack full of wolves to be able to truly relax and see the honest and good intentions of the alpha pack leader? He's too quick to doubt, too quick to get defensive; Chan just wants to protect Felix... even if Felix has expressed in every sense that he can protect himself.

The omega curls in tighter at the smell of sweat, dirt, and tree bark that wafts up from under the closed bedroom door; he really didn't expect to be found so quickly, by Chan of all people.

Since this is Jisung's room (who had happily handed it over to the pack's guest for the time being while he went and roomed with Minho), he thought that out of everyone to walk in, the similar-aged hybrid would be the most likely to keep a secret in regards to Felix's whereabouts.

Felix never sleeps in here despite being given the bed; in fact, he hasn't spent more than five seconds within the bedroom at all until now. He wants to be near Lee, he wants the familiarity that comes from the man's scent; this room will never be a safe place for him unless Chan is searching for his presence because this would be the least expected place.

Or at least Felix thought it was.

There are two soft knocks and then the door is opening slowly. The omega doesn't look up, doesn't move on the bed.

And the alpha doesn't say anything as he calmly enters and moves to the side of the mattress, making sure not to block the entrance or to completely close the door.

"You... don't have to say anything if you don't want to," Chan eventually states, sitting down on the edge and not scooting any closer than that. The silvernette can feel him looking at him. "I have some things I need to tell you though so... if you could just hear me out, that's all I ask."

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