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(Multiple POV switches in this chapter:3 Keep an eye out for the "~^~"

Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for another year of being my lovely readers!)

"I'm... sorry for doubting you."

The omega squeezes Chan's hand before the other could worry more about it. 'Pushy.'



The alpha sighs, shifting his body towards Felix with a frown. "You had every right to be. I... keep hiding things from you, thinking you wouldn't notice. But... there are some things you've been hiding from me too."

At the silvernette's raised brow in a wordless 'excuse me?', Chan doesn't hesitate to tack on, "And you don't have to share; you can keep your secrets, but there are a lot of things that I don't understand about you so I... I never know why something I did upset you."

Any sassiness Felix had before leaves, the silvernette begrudgingly admitting that Chan made a good point.

The omega has always behaved rather unpredictably and the older just kind of rolls with punches; Chan doesn't know of the brokenness being contained only by a shell of defensive and offended gestures.

If he owes this werewolf anything, it would be answers (and he'll let Chan decide whether he still wants to wait for an omega that may never be ready for what being a mate and pack member entails).

The younger nods slowly, rolling back onto his side because he always finds it easier to communicate with the alpha when he can see his entire face and read his entire expression (and certainly not because that attentive look to those brown eyes makes him feel all warm on the inside).


Chan seems a little giddy at the other's acceptance, a bright smile consuming his features before he schools it into something much more calm and collected in appearance.

"So, I was thinking, I could ask you something and, in return, you could ask me something afterwards," he proposed hopefully, making Felix too weak to refuse such fair conditions.


"Cool, alright, um- I think I'll keep it simple first like... When did you first start living with Lee-Hyung?"

Felix nibbles his bottom lip in contemplation, trying to mentally calculate how many years ago it was. He lifts his hands between them, holding up ten fingers and then closing one fist to only flash two.

"Ten years? Twelve?"

The omega nods.

"Twelve years ago... Wow, I mean, I knew him when I was younger but I- That was before I left..." Chan frowns for a moment but then shakes his head to ward off whatever thoughts he was having, that inviting twinkle to his brown eyes returns. "But uh- anyways, it's your turn."

Felix taps his chin before holding up one finger and mouthing, 'First in pack?'

"Oh, the first to join me out here?" The alpha clarifies, earning a nod from the silvernette. "Well, that would be Jisung; he just found my cabin one day. He was- is a nosy pup that doesn't have a good sense of boundaries despite being rather anxious by nature." He chuckles, a fond grin on his face. "But I'm sure you already know that."

With a giggle, Felix nodded in agreement. 'Kind.'

"Yes, yes he is kind, just a little too curious for his own good sometimes." A sense of cheekiness crosses Chan's expression suddenly, the older hybrid leaning in to only put a couple of inches between him and the silvernette. "What was your first impression of me?"

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