Chapter Three

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Return of the God

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Return of the God

I could not believe my eyes. There was a boy, sitting in the same spot where I had met Venti for the first time. The same branch, the same position, all that was missing was his Lyre. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. It was common to believe you heard or saw someone you've missed for a long time.

He was not wearing Venti's regular green shorts and white tights. He looked more Angelic. Though he did have the same facial structure and hair colour as Venti. This could just be some sick joke, by the client who set up this whole scavenger hunt. So it was totally plausible that Venti was not standing before me right now.


"I missed you, y/n." the boy said as he jumped down from the tree. Landing gracefully on his feet.

Nope, that was definitely him. I ran up to him, but I froze. I was so close to him i could practically feel his breath on my face. But my body wouldn't do anything further than that.

Venti wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. A feeling I have been waiting for for a long time now. He felt warm and real. The tears began to pool at the corners of my eyes. But I didn't want to be the one that cries at a sweet reunion.

I was able to move my arms enough to hug him back. We both fell to our knees, but he never let go of me. I rested my head on venti's shoulder as we continued to sit on the ground together. Not saying anything. Not needing to say anything. His company was enough for me.

"You came back" I whispered in his ear, not wanting to ruin the moment, but wanting a bit of an explanation. I moved my head off his shoulder to try and make some eye contact.

"Yes, y/n, my duties in Celestia have been put on hold. So I've decided to use this time to come visit you" Venti smiled at me while looking me directly in the eyes. He always knew how to make my heart melt.

"So you're going to leave again?" this caused me to frown and lose the eye contact between us.

"Well... Yeah, but I..." he paused for a moment. "I'll make you a deal."

I looked back up and waited for him to continue his sentence.

"If you can prove to me within the next 2 weeks that you have nothing to keep you on this earth. I will bring you up to Celestia with me."

"What?" That was all I could ask. How would that be possible, the only way for a mere human to enter Celestia is for them to either die wielding a vision or to become a god. Personally, I didn't like either of these options.

I was too young to die, and being a god sounds too difficult. But I mean, if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with Venti, maybe it would be worth it?

"I know I hate being there, but currently there are bigger things going on in Teyvat than my discomfort in Celestia. And if it matters so much... I'll bring you with me." the last part of his sentence seemed to fall off. He grew quiet as if he didn't want to say what had come out of his mouth.

I didn't know how to respond, the thought of being with Venti forever made me overwhelmed with joy. But, the things I would have to complete scared me to the core of my existence.

Through all of the thinking, I hadn't realized what was happening around me, I was only snapped out of my thoughts once Venti placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"It's okay, you don't have to agree to it right now, as I said, you have two weeks. Should be enough time right?"

I shook my head in agreement. I wanted to tell Venti what happened over the last few months of his disappearance, but I was too busy sinking into his's arms. 

"Tell me something that has interested you while I have been gone," he asked me to change the subject.

"Hmm, let me think... Well, I've been researching some more on the rest of the Regions in Teyvat." I continued. "I think it would be really cool to see the City of Inazuma. But they stopped sending boats of passengers out there when their God Raiden Makoto disappeared."

"I see, so you've been interested in the God of Eternity?" Venti tilted his head, asking for confirmation.

"Not just her, I'm interested to see how the new God runs the country if they cannot thrive off of other lands. Like here in Mondstadt, we still have free range to visit Liyue. But the people of Inazuma are stuck in one region." 

"The new god, Raiden Shogun, runs her City very differently than The god of Contracts and I do. She is... Struggling" Venti ended his sentence on that note.

"What do you mean by struggling?" Not many people know what happens in Inazuma now, since the gates had been closed, no one enters and no one leaves.

"That isn't important right now, is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

"No not really, I'm just glad to sit here with you, even in silence" I smiled. 

"So, do you want your reward for all your hard work today?" Venti brought up the scavenger hunt he had prepared for me.

"I thought you were my reward?" Isn't that what he said once he arrived, I thought to myself.

"Well yes, I am. But now I have a better reward in mind" he giggled while getting back up on his feet.

"Where are you going?" Disappointed with the lack of warmth.

My body slid off him and hit the floor with a gentle thump. Venti, once on his feet, twirled his finger around in the air. This motion created a gust of wind around my body, which then raised me into his arms.

"Brace yourself"  He launched us into the air. A nostalgic feeling came over my body as I remembered the time he saved me from that group of hilichurls attacking Springvale.

  The wind hitting my face felt great. I myself had an Anemo vision, with similar abilities to Venti. But I was never able to do this. My powers were not strong enough. I was able to make myself float a little above the ground, but never had I accomplished the feeling of flying.

I had to close my eyes in order to stop my hair from irritating them, so I couldn't tell which direction we were going in. 

But I trusted Venti wholeheartedly. 

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