Chapter Two

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Special Commission Part Two

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Special Commission Part Two

Once I had entered Diluc's Tavern, I ordered one Death After Noon. While I waited for Diluc to finish making the drink, I looked around the place. Noticed different Mondstadt citizens enjoying their days, talking to friends and playing card games. Unlike one other person in the building. Rosaria sat in the far corner of the tavern by herself. She was not drinking, just staring off into the distance, almost as if she was waiting for something. 10 minutes later, someone was thrown out of the Tavern and my drink was handed to me.

I returned from Angel's Share With the drink that Kaeya had requested. It took a fair amount of time since Diluc decided to argue with another drunk in his Tavern before throwing them out.

"Here. Now can I have that piece of paper, please?" I handed him the glass of wine. He accepted it, then took a sip. I'm guessing to make sure it was the right drink.

"Fine." he threw the note onto the table and it slid to my end. Kaeya continued to drink as I left Jean's office. Kaeya was one of the more annoying Knights to talk to in my opinion. If you weren't up for his flirting or antics it became really difficult to keep conversation. I opened my next clue.

Life is like a thorny rose, not perfect, but still just as beautiful.

Roses? There were no roses that grew in Mondstadt, not to my knowledge. The flowers that could be found around Monstadt were Dandelions, Calla Lilies, Cecilias and Windwheel Asters. Maybe they could be referring to someone who has roses in their outfit? Perhaps Noelle?

I went in search of the hard-working Knight in Training. She could usually be found studying something in the library, but I doubt that this scavenger hunt would bring me to the same spot twice.

She was well known for helping around the main city with whatever anyone needed, So I went to the Main Plaza in the centre of the city near the Statue of Barbatos. I was right to look there, she was with some kids.

"But Miss Noelle, It's my turn!!!" one of the kids whined.

"It's my toy, why do I have to share??" the other kid screamed.

"Now please, why can't you share the toy with her?" Noelle asked the second kid politely.

"Because it's mine! And I don't want to!!" he said angrily, holding the toy out of the little girl's reach.

"Hmm, Here come with me" Noelle held out her hand to the little girl who was now crying. Noelle smiled at her. "I'll go buy you a new toy so you can play as well"

She took Noelle's hand, as they were now walking my way.

"Hey, Y/n, how have you been?" Noelle stopped in front of the stairs that I was on to talk.

"Good, um, I have a question for you, do you have time?" I asked since I had just witnessed the fit the kids threw in front of her.

"Of course, walk with me" She picked up the child to carry her down the stairs.

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