Unspoken Knowledge

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After everything was settled and everyone had gone home, Diaval went over to his mistress to confront her.

"Why were you lying to me? You've been crying, haven't you? And don't even think of lying to me again. I'm you servant yes, but I'm also your friend, your protector. You know you can tell me everything."

Yes, she knew that, but this, this one thing. She couldn't tell him that and only that he wanted to know. She really wanted to say, that she loved him deeply and would do anything to make him happy, but she couldn't and she wouldn't. She didn't deserve love. Tears threatened to spill from her again reddened eyes.

But she composed herself and stared at him blankly. Maleficent swallowed before raising her voice. But as soon as she started to speak, her voice cracked and only a throaty "ah-" came out before her breathing came out rapid, her chest being shaken by violent sobs.

Without a word Diaval stepped forward and hugged her head to his chest, combing through the feathers of her wings with his claw like fingers. It felt so good being in his arms, Maleficent thought to herself. Slowly her breathing began to normalize and Diaval pulled her closer to his chest. He carried her to her nest bridal style. She was way too tired to even remember him putting her moss blanket over her and making sure she was asleep, before guarding the nest, so noone  would disturb his mistresses peaceful slumber.


The morning air was crisp and cool. Maleficent was laying in her nest, her breathing even. She slowly began to awake. A groan left her red lips as she propped herself up on her elbows and opened her eyes, seeing thick fog covering the Valley.

Flocks of birds framed the mountains as they searched for food for their offspring.

Maleficent heard distant footsteps underneath her tree. "Diaval! Is that you?", she called out. But there was no answer. He must have overheard it.
She turned around and stood up, only to discover Diaval leaning against the trunk of the tree, his compact body shaking from the cold air.

No answer...

She quickly ran over to him, hugging him tightly. He was ice cold.
He has probably spent the night outside, looking for any distractions for her sleep, keeping an eye on her, protecting her, like he always said.

Maleficent brought Diaval to her nest and laid the blanket on top of him. After a while the shaking stopped and Maleficent flew to a nearby cave, to get more moss.

The cave was big and round. Tendrils of ivy framed the entrance and inside grew all kinds of greenery.
Maleficent slipped on the wet ground, but her wings cought her from falling. The bottle of 'revealing potion' landed on the ground with a light thump and rolled against a tulip in the grass.

She quickly went to grab it.
What is it that everyone knows?


Sorry this is a rather short chapter. I wanted to keep some of the more interesting parts for the next one...

Yours, Julia

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