Chapter 17 - 𝐌𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐢

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Catherine : How do you know that?
Leonardo : Quinn has been seeing Alessandro for awhile now.
Marissa : Oh my god...
Leonardo : I saw Alessandro packing earlier. They had it planned.
Catherine : I can't believe them..
Leonardo : I tried talking Alessandro out of it but he said he fell in love with her.
Catherine : Did he leave me for her..?
Leonardo : No they got together after the divorce was filed.
Catherine : -sigh- I don't even want to imagine what Emiliano is feeling right now. Where is he...
Leonardo : Probably at a club. I'll go look for him.
Catherine : I'll follow you.
Leonardo : Alright

We're on the plane now, We managed to get some last minute plane tickets to Sicily.

Quinn : We're really doing it!
Alessandro : We are....after so long of waiting to be together.
Quinn : -kiss- And no one is ever separating us.
Alessandro : I love you!
Quinn : I love you too handsome!


Emiliano : -drinks-
Giselle : Emiliano...?
Emiliano : Whersssss Quinnnnnyy??
Giselle : I don't know..
Emiliano : Why did ssshhhe leave meeee!
Giselle : Emiliano you shouldn't be drinking this much..
Emiliano : Painnnnn
Giselle : I know but the headache tomorrow will hurt more. Let's get you home.
Emiliano : No!! I want Quinnnn
Giselle : -sigh-
Mark : No more drinks for you buddy.
Leonardo : Emiliano!!!
Catherine : Emi! Come on let's go home..
Emiliano : No!! I want to stayyyy and drink the pain awayyyyy!
Leonardo : It's only going to make things worse now come on kid!
Emiliano : Quinnnnn.....she.....doesn't lovvvvve meh amymoreeee.
Leonardo : Forget about her! Let's get you home.

The Next Morning

It's six in the morning and the sun is about to come up. We have everything ready! I managed to get a wedding dress so last minute.
My hair and makeup were done by me. I watched a YouTube video tutorial. It took me two hours but it was worth it.

Alessandro took care of the rest of the arrangements needed to get married. We're getting married in a little private area.

Officiant : You both look to a shared future that includes raising a happy & healthy family. That future also includes a richly lived life together...going out to restaurants, hanging out with family, relaxing at home in front of the TV, singing and dancing...Bride will do the singing, and Groom will do the dancing.

The years will come and won't take each other for granted, you will laugh a lot, you will be the best parents you can be, you will grow older and wiser together. It's a good story,and the ending is not in sight!

A marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life.

Officiant : Alessandro, repeat after me. "I, Alessandro, take you, Quinn, to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build our dreams together.
Support you through times of trouble,
and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you
respect, love and loyalty. This commitment is made in love,
kept in faith, lived in hope,
and made new every day of our lives."

Alessandro : I, Alessandro, take you, Quinn, to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build our dreams together. Support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty. This commitment is made in love,
kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives.

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