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"hey jungwon quick question, how does this fit look on me. Just wondering." a random girl from one of my classes approach, I look her up and down. "honestly, you can do better. It looks like crap. You're makeup, it's pretty ugly too." I responded genuinely.

he didn't like the attention whores that came around in the school, they come and they go and he could give less of a shit about them.

tears brimmed up in her eyes but didn't fall, she looked away and just nodded. "uh, alright I'll keep note of that..."


jungwon didn't enjoy the presence of girls like them, especially girls who do it for attention. "fucking idiot." he looks back at the girl, who's almost gone from his sight.

walking towards the gender neutral bathrooms, jungwon grasped one of the girls collar and pulled her in. Aeri who was near by, witnessed and stood by the bathroom, waiting for it to open.

jungwon looks at the girl, watching her nearly scream before he shuts her mouth for her. "shut up or I'll make you." he snarks, his eyes stabbing into hers. Since she was compelled, he allowed his two fangs to pierce through her soft skin.

done feeding from her, he healed her bite marks and let her drop of the floor carelessly. He went to open the door but was pushed back in by aeri.

"why'd you do that to her." I point at the girl laying on the floor, passed out.

"why. you want it to be you instead, baby?" he licks the blood off of his lips, a smug expression written over his face.

"you're gross." she grimaced in disgust, opening the door and trying to take the girl into the infirmary. "excuse me miss, I found her passed out on the floor." aeri calls out for the school nurse.

the nurse placed her on a bed and took care of her, "she'll be awake soon, you can go back to your classes." she smiled, "thanks for making sure you're classmates are safe."

I gave off a faint smile, ambling out the door. I heard a snap of a finger, facing to the side. There he is waiting for me and it's getting on my nerves. "what do you want." i question, aggravated that he's been following me like a dog for a day.

jungwon knew Aeri didn't like him because of the way her and his brother acts, and that's what intrigued him the most. A girl that isn't swooning over him, a girl that he wants the attention from.

not saying a word, I walk to the library and pick up a book. In depths of a shadow, a deep romance book that I've been wanting to read but someone checked it out before and I never had the chance to get my hands on it until now.

skimming through the words on the page, a gush of wind interrupted me. If there's one thing I hate about vampires, it would definitely be their ability of speed.

"that book, pretty good." jungwon points out, but he hated reading books. He hated it, "you hate reading. How come you read this one."

"this book is a classic, my mom read it to me a couple of years back. Told me to watch my back because romance is always around the corner." he uses his speed to whisper in my ears, once again creeping behind me.

the tips of his finger caressed my jaw, sending sensations and tingles around the rest of my body. The way he was able to power play me, got under my skin.



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