[49] Holiday spirit

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"don't just exist, live"

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"don't just exist, live"


"I know, mom, I promise I won't forget the rolls," I speak into my phone.

It's Christmas Eve which means tonight we're heading over to my parents' house for dinner. It's going to be my family, of course, plus Jemma, who's been having Christmas with us since before I can remember. Sterling is also coming alone with his dad, Nancy, and Charlotte. It should be fun.

"You sure I shouldn't just tell Chase to bring them?" She offers, teasing with a hint of seriousness peaking through her words.

"I forgot the rolls one time!"

She laughs at my expense. "Sorry, Delly. You're right, I trust you completely."

"Thank you!" I cry out dramatically. "Anyways, I've got to go, I still need to pack." I glance over at the empty duffle bag on my floor.

We're only gone for a couple days but I still need to pack a descend amount of stuff. Probably too much considering I'm a chronic over packer.

"Alright, alright. I'll leave you to it. Drive safe and I can't wait to see you tonight."

"Bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie." I end the call and flop back down onto my bed. The last thing I want to do is pack right now, it's overly stressful. I'd much rather be reading or taking a nap. But, I have no choice.

Begrudgingly, I pull myself out from my warm comforter and start organizing my clothes and toiletries into my bag. Luckily, once I start, I get it done quickly, and I'm ready to go in record time. Ignoring the fact that it's much too full, I zip my duffel up and drag it out of my bedroom.

Because we're just so in sync, Sterling walks through the front door just as I decend down the stairs.

"Jesus, what the hell is in that thing?" He points to the bag slung over my shoulder.

Ignoring his judgmental glare, I set it on the floor and take a deep breath. God am I that out of shape? I just walked down about 15 stairs and I feel like my legs are about to give out from under me.

Sterling just looks down at me in amusement, clearly enjoying how obviously tired I am. But then, his face goes super serious followed shortly by a look of shock.

I grow concerned. What the fuck is he looking at me like that for?

"Delaney Lawrence," he starts. "I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me."

"Alright..." I say skeptically. "What is it?"

"Is there a body in there?"

"Oh my god," I grumble.

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