If she sleeps in the nights or if she's waiting for me

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Sorry for the wait! Summer has been crazy and I've been hit by writer's block more than once but I am back and writing and planning- ENJOY!


It's been about a week since that doctor's appointment. It's been about a week since they learnt that Tubbo is half Shulk and half Bee and it has also been a week since Stress has been even more stressed than normal. Tommy can't really fault the woman since the three of them have been stressed out themselves. Tubbo, now, is pretty much the housewife in their trio.

With one man down, they have fallen behind on work and vigilante duties. Tommy can only wash so many cars until the sun makes his brain melt on the seaside road. He can only carry the mop and the water-filled bin through so many streets before his arms begin to ache without the extra pair of hands. Without the extra pair of eyes, he can barely escape those of the passing heroes and random police cars. If he is ever caught, it is not as fun escaping through the fire escapes on his own.

Tommy misses having Tubbo by his side while he is waiting for the light to turn red. He misses running away from angry drivers together and he also misses dunking said angry drivers with the dirty mop water alongside his bestie.

It's fine, though. He can pull through. I mean, out of the three of them, Tommy is certainly the luckiest. Okay, maybe Ranboo is as well, because he is out of the attic during most mornings, while poor Tubbo is left at the house, at Stress' mercy. It's not like he's been grounded or anything but it was a unanimous decision for Tubbo to stay behind until the scrapes went away. Until the evidence to his Shulk heritage was hidden.

Tommy doesn't really like that decision anymore. Especially not after he and Ranboo were almost caught by Ghostbur a week ago on that rooftop. Tubbo always senses trouble before any of them do no matter how sleepy he is and it is extremely helpful when they're being snuck up on. It's like a moth attracted to a flame, just like the little incident with The Watcher and The Blade not so long ago.

Speaking of which, they've figured The Watcher out. They know his intent now, thanks to their almost-capture by Ghostbur -God, Tommy really hates that guy's abilities now. Not only did the hero sneak up on them with his ghost thing but he also took away their free will! That's just plain fuckin' rude and uncalled for! They hadn't even found any villains to beat up yet! (which is what Tommy complained about the most when they scampered). They had to return home early and do you know how hard it is to sneak past Fundy with his enhanced sense of smell? And then bribe him into not tattling to either Pearl, Gem or Stress?

Yeah, it's hard.

They also have these two noobs in the building who live right across from Stress' apartment. Tommy doesn't like this Wilbur fellow all that much but Technoblade seems cool and poggers enough to perhaps approach. Those two would probably not even bat an eye; they haven't learnt the rules yet.

But, back to the point! They now know what The Watcher, well, watches. It should've been obvious from the start, honestly, but the three of them thought that it could not be possible! And it shouldn't be possible because this just makes their professional relationship with the man and his associates so much weirder. They should've suspected this since the start, though, since the time he dropkicked Crowfather out of freaking nowhere -because he was fighting the Dream Team and he had no business attacking the avian hero.

The Watcher looks out for them -for some unexplained and stupid reason. What? All the clues lead to that! The man is a softy and you can not change Tommy's opinion. All evidence points to this! The first incident, then the one with The Blade where the villain basically sacrificed his own wings to save RaccoonInnit and then treating Tommy to McDonald's, the fact that he fought off a whole giant and put his well being at risk under that damn rock and finally saving both Tommy and Ranboo from Ghostbur a week ago. Oh, and let's not forget that almost every night since Tubbo withdrew himself from work duties, The Watcher has been creeping ever so closer to them -keeping his distance, always but at this point it is like he's breathing down their necks.

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