chapter 6

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Delilah's pov:

Me and nick walked back to camp in silence but it wasn't akward. I felt safe and relieved because he was the only person who I've ever told some of that to and I no he wouldn't tell anyone like my friends would. When we got back to camp it was time for lunch so me and nick went to the mess hall and got some food me and nick sat across from eachother so it didn't look weird. But I wasn't very hungry so me and nick just talked while. Afterwards I went back to my cabin and decided to take a nap.

I woke up and if was dark out and everyone was sleeping. I looked at the clock and it was 6:50 and I decides to get ready quietly and head down to the dock. I was just think about how life will be when I go home, school, and just stuff. I heard the alarm over the speaker and that ment it was time to go to the mess hall but I didn't feel like going to I snuck into my cabin, grabbed my boom and then went to go to the hanging tree to read in peace.

~ hour later ~

I decided to go back to camp and maybe go to arts and crafts or something. When I got back to camp I saw ziggy waking around and ran up to her. "Hey" "Jesus del I've been looking all over for you" "sorry I went to the hanging tree to read in peace" " oh okay well u wanna go do something" ziggy said with a smirk on her face. I knew exactly what she wanted to do. " What do you wanna do" "I was think letting out the camp rabits" "great" I said with a smirk. We walk to to rabbit cage just out beside to science and nature cabin. Ziggy on the lookout while I get them out. "Shit, Kurt's coming hurry up!" "Shit." I close the door and we run behind the cabins amd into ours. As soon as me and ziggy think were in the clear we hear a loud knock on the door "open the fuck up bermans!" "Fuck." I say under my breath. I look at ziggy qnd she signals me to open the door. I open the door and roll my eyes to see kurt there with nick behind him. "Why are the camp rabits gone." " I don't know ask them" I said sarcastically as he walked passed me welcoming himself in while nick stays at the door like a decent guy "oh sure kurt come right in." I say while rolling my eyes. " u can come in nick" I said quietly and get a short 'thanks' in return. " I know you to did it" "no we didn't" ziggy snapped back "what proof do you have kurt" I say annoyed by his presence "Kurt can't we go find them" nick huffed. I didn't even realize he was right behind me. I turned around and he gave me a sweet smile and i returned the favor and turned back around. And faced kurt " strike. One." "Suck. my ass." "Do u wanna another strike" Then before I could say anything nick interrupted "common kurt." Kurt walked out while I flipped him off and nick mouthed ' sorry '. By that time ziggy went off to lunch and I stayed behind and read some more. After lunch was over me and ziggy decided to go do some arts and crafts.

After we were done painting me and ziggy decided to go talk to nurse lane apparently ziggy and her get alone pretty well. After were done there me and ziggy went our separate ways she went to dinner and was walking around. I also went to nurse lanes to get some advil cause I have a terrible head ache. After that I met ziggy at the cabin and went to bed.

Next morning we heard the alarm and got ready. I went to nurse lanes to get more advil and ziggy went somewhere else. Today was Sunday so everyone had a free day so nick asked if I wanted to hang out. So we went for a walk and he brought his book so we could read since I was reading his favorite boom at the moment. We walked to the hanging tree and he started reading aloud. He had such a soothing voice. It was so calm and it made me feel so at peace. I sat right beside him and I was following along while he read. After we were tired of reading we decided to talk. After 5 minutes of that he looked right in my eyes and said "when was the last time you ate." "Breakfast" "what day" I hesitate and then say "today" "don't lie to me" "I'm not" " when was the last time you ate anything amy." I look away and say quietly " like... almost 3 days ago.." he shot straight up. "WHAT!?!?! Delilah berman you haven't eaten in 3 FUCKING DAYS" he scowled. I just looked down not wanting to face him. "Why?" I just shrugged still not wanting to look at him. He picked up his book grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to camp mumbling under his breath. I didn't want to make him mad so I just let him drag me to camp.

When we finally got back to camp he kept dragging me to the mess hall. That's when I tried to get out his his grip he looked unfazed. We walked into the kitchen and he grapped an apple and a banana. "Eat it." I just stood there and stared straight into his eyes " I'm not hungry" "I don't care" he said with same time I gave him. " I'm not gonna force myself to eat if I'm not hungry" " I have all day Delilah . Eat the food." "How about just just the banana" trying to compromise. " eat. The. Food." "I'm only eating the banana" I start to eat the banana and he just states at me. I finish the banana under his uncomfortable stare. I attempt to walk out but he stops me. "Delilah finish the food." He says started to sound fed up. " I don't think I physically can" "just try will ya" "fine." "Thank you" I proceeded to eat most of the apple before I felt like I was gonna throw up. I stopped and looked at him like I was gonna be sick. He nodded and I put in down. He grappedy hand and walked out.

We ended up going to his cabin and drawing, talking, reading ect. All of a sudden I felt really sick. I rushed over to the toilet and puked and just kept throwing up. Nick ran over and grabbed my hair and pulled it out of the way. After I finally stopped I rinsed out my mouth and started crying. Nick pulled me in for a hug. I just cried in his arms. I felt defeated and embarrassed. I just kept crying until I had no more tears. After I stopped crying he told me everything was gonna be alright and that atleast I tried eating something even if it didn't stay down. But it all just went in one ear qnd out the other. Pretty soon the dinner bell rang because me and nick ate in the kitchen for lunch. "Come on let's go eat" he nods and I just follow him.

Nicks pov:
We get to then mess hall for dinner and I grab me and Amy a tray and we sit with Cindy and Tommy and ziggy. I was on dels left and ziggy was on her right. "Glad your finally trying to eat again. " cindy said sarcastically. "I have lunch to ya know." Delilah said sounding annoyed. "Where cause you sure haven't been in here." "I ate in the kitchen an banana and half an apple" she protests "yea right" ziggy said " I was with her I watched her eat it" I said trying to back her up. She smirked and took a bite of her sandwich. I watched her eat out of the corner of my eye so I made sure she wasn't faking anything. She got about half way done and she wasn't gonna finish it so we walked out. We were just walking back to my cabin to hang out for a little bit and I was just thinking. Thinking about how about how someone could do that to themselves. Poor delilah, having her own father tell her that she's not skinny enough for his liking and limiting her eating. That probably will stick with her forever. And also how he touches her? Come on you have to be sick to do that. I wish I could just give her the perfect life and take all of the pain away. Forever. I really like her. I just admitted it. I know that we can't be together but just admitting it to myself is a weight of my chest. God she was so pretty. Inside and out. She is beautiful just the way she is. And I will do everything I can to protect her. "Nick" "yea" "thank you" "for what?" "Listening, keeping my secrets, helping me." "Anytime" "you know? You're really cool,goode" "you're really cool to, berman" I saw her cheeks turn pink. I could feel like mine were a little to.

~ a little later ~

"Well I don't think I'm going to to throw up and I'm pretty tired so.." "noooo" I whined and she chuckled "If I don't sleep soon ill never make of back to my cabin" "fine let me atleast walk you there" "fine" we both smiled and walked to her cabin. We get in and ziggy was awake and cindy was asleep. "You are so lucky, if u would have came earlier than you won't have had a 'talk' according to cindy" ziggy scoffed and del chuckled. "Lucky me" she said. "Goodnight Delilah" "goodnight nick" she smiled and I started my journey back to my cabin.

kurt was finally back and I just went to bed.

1743 words

I hope u guys are like this series it's my first book and I think I'm also gonna start another one but please vote it u like this it helps me figure out if I should keep going! NOT EDITED

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