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I get on two the bus and see there only 2 seats left one by shelia and one by 2 of the bermans. Of course will sat by shelia so I walked to the back and saw ziggy and the other girl hiding behind a book. I put my bag away and sat down. "Carrie,cool" is said just trying to make conversation. "You've read carrie?" She said she put her book down. She was beautiful. She had gorgeous Hazel eyes,full lips, and pretty light brown hair. I had to say something I could just stare at her. "Yea 2nd favorite" she stared for a minute and hid herself again. The rest of the bus ride I was thinking about her.

We got of and I went to help some campers get there bags. I look over and she was struggling the get her bag. I helped her and got a short thanks in return. She walked out and started to walk to the mess hall. I decided I would follow her. I was probably a couple feet behind her. I noticed something off, she had a bright red hand print right below her ass. I was a little concerned so I ran up to her.

"Hey, what happened?" "What do u mean?" She said confused "the hand print, who did that?" She she looked down for a minute then said " why do you care" "cause people shouldn't do shit like that" she rolled her eyes and said "welp too late" and she stormed off.

I got to the mess hall and went to Kurt. "Hey" he said without eye contact "hey" I said. Then she walked in and stood in the corner by herself. I realized I didn't even know her name. So I asked kurt "Hey, whos the girl over there in the corner by herself" "that's Delilah berman, be careful I heard she's worse than ziggy, kinda hot tho" I glared at him. I don't know why I cared I just did. The kurt started his speech " HELLO everyone. For those who are new here I'm kurt, head consular, and I'm going to tell you all of the major rules. Brake any rule u get a strike, 5 strikes and your out." Then I heard a giggle. I looked to where it came from and it was delilah.

397 words


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