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"What is going on here!?" Abuela shouted, "Mirabel, what have you done?"

Mirabel shifted slightly under the intense and scared stares the adults were giving her. She swallowed heavily, not knowing what to say.

At this point, Mirabel had no idea what was happening either. Everything had happened so fast that it left her head spinning.

In the corner of her eye, she could see Bruno flinching at the accusation before bursting into action.

He covered the vision with his body, quickly stuffing emerald shards into his pocket. "Mirabel didn't do anything, I mean... This isn't what it looks like-"

He was hyperventilating.

"Enough," Abuela said, grabbing Bruno's wrists, stopping him from pocketing the rest of the vision.

Only half of the vision remained on the table.

"Don't touch me!" Bruno yelled, tearing his arms from Abuela's grip.

He was shaking.

Abuela looked at Bruno, horrified.

Bruno slowly backed away from Abuela until he was in front of Mirabel. Protecting her. Again.

"Brunito?" Abuela said, taking a gentle step forward. Bruno flinched.

"I- I'm sorry."

He was crying.

"Bruno," Abuela said, softer than Mirabel had ever heard her speak, "What's wrong, hijo?"

Bruno looked at Abuela wide-eyed.

"I ... It's - I don't-" Bruno stopped speaking, shaking his head hard. Then, barely audible, he said, "... nothing."

Finally, Dolores stepped forward. "The townspeople tried to kill Bruno years ago. And they tried again today."

It was quiet.

Mirabel felt her whole world collapse. She must've heard that wrong.

"Dolores!" Abuela hissed. "Take this seriously."

"I am." Dolores hissed back. "The Miracle brought Bruno here because otherwise, he would be dead. Lynched."

No. No, that couldn't be true. Right? Except... Mirabel recalled how weird the townspeople were acting, and it suddenly all made sense.

She looked at Bruno, who was pale and hunched. He had this betrayed expression on his face.

A loud crack shook Mirabel to the core. And then, almost reminiscent of the vision, Mirabel was standing in front of a cracked Casita.

Oh no.

Using the sudden distraction, Bruno ran out of the dining room. A moment later, Mirabel ran out after him and into the foyer. "Bruno, stop!"

He didn't stop. Instead, he ran out the back door and disappeared. Mirabel opened the back door only to be pushed back by a large gust of wind.

Surprised, Mirabel watched as the weather changed drastically.

"Bruno!" Screamed tía Pepa as she ran into the foyer, sobbing. "Bruno!"

The rest of the family followed after, Mirabel's mother and Abuela rushing in.

"Tía Pepa! Pepa! You have to calm down!" Mirabel shouted over the roaring winds.

"Calm down?! Calm down?!" Pepa yelled, turning angrily towards Mirabel. "I will not calm down."

"Bruno ran outside!" Mirabel yelled back.

Bruno was outside, where a hurricane now mirrored Pepa's rage.

Her tía's eyes went wide before Pepa started taking deep breaths and stroking her braid. "Clear skies. Clear skies."

Any progress Pepa had made in calming down was destroyed when a frantic knock sounded at the door.

Casita opened the door to reveal a group of soaking and scared townspeople holding ruined congratulations signs. One of the men quickly stepped forward, shielding his head from a sudden onslaught of hail. "Doña Alma, what is going on?"

"Oh, I'll tell you what's going on," Pepa said, dangerously calm - like the eye of a hurricane. "You're going to tell me the names of everyone who dared lay a hand on Bruno Madrigal."

Mirabel watched wide-eyed as lightning struck Bruno's tower, bright and blinding. The thunder almost immediately afterwards.

Large cracks travelled up the tower before it collapsed in on itself. The sound was just as painfully loud as the thunder.

Pepa didn't even bat an eye. Although a slight tensing of her shoulder's betrayed her shock and fear.

"Tell me, or else."

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