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Bruno knew. He knew that he would be the only one who could find Dolores before his vision came to pass.

He knew.

Monster. Murderer. Demon.


His involuntary visions only ever showed him important or dangerous events. His niece was in danger, scared and crying, and here he was hiding.

He was such a poor excuse of an uncle.

He was startled by a rattling sound as Casita opened a drawer and dropped something in front of him. “Casita?”

He opened the box to see a familiar pair of green framed glasses. One of the lenses was missing, and the remaining one was cracked. “Why did you give me these?”

In response, Casita brought a full-sized mirror in front of him. “You want me… to put them on?”

A clack. Yes.

“...Okay?” Bruno said. He popped out the remaining lens and put the glasses on. As he looked into the mirror, he finally realized what Casita gave him.

It was a disguise. With Mirabel’s glasses and ruana, he kind of looked like her. Especially if he kept the hood up. If he went out like this, no one would know it was him. His most recognizable feature had always been his green ruana.

Maybe, just maybe, he’d be safe if he went out like this.

He managed to make it all the way to the front door before he froze, hand on the handle. He was too scared to turn it.

Dolores crying.

He has to. He has to.


He opened the door. He waited, almost expecting an angry mob to show up the second he opened the door.

He let out a nervous breath. It’s fine. He’s fine. He’s not Bruno right now. Right now he looks like Mirabel. No one will recognize him.

And no one did.

For the first time since he got his gift, Bruno blended into town effortlessly. No one looked twice as he walked by. No one pulled their kids away from him or made the sign of the cross. Nothing.

He was invisible.

He walked aimlessly around town, looking for anything that seemed familiar. Anything he might have seen in his vision. He froze as he saw a building he didn’t recognize and yet, seemed familiar. Like he’d seen it before in a dream.

Sure enough, in the alley near the building, he saw Dolores crying and breathing heavily.

Bruno gently knelt down beside her. “Hey, Dolores. It’s going to be okay. Just copy me okay?

Breathe in.


Breathe out.


He repeated the pattern until Dolores’ breaths returned to normal if a little shuttered.

“Bruno!” She sobbed, throwing her arms around him. Bruno flinched slightly as she pulled him into a tight hug.

“Are you okay?” He asked worriedly, hugging his upset niece back. “What’s wrong?”

“How could they do that to you?”

Bruno’s heart sped up.

“They’re looking for me. They want to kill you, Bruno.” Dolores sobbed. “They thought they already did. How could they? How dare they?”

“Please,” Bruno choked out, “Please don’t tell anyone. They can’t know.”

“Bruno,” Dolores said softly. “You have to tell them. You can’t hide this. It’s too important.”

“I can’t! I can’t.” Bruno whispered wetly, tears already flooding his eyes. “Please don’t make me.”

Dolores bit her lips. “Then let me tell them.”

“No!” Bruno protested. “That’s worse. They can’t know Dolores. I don’t want them to know.”

“Bruno, either you tell them or I do. This can’t be a secret. They cannot get away with trying to kill you, Bruno.”

Bruno shook his head and whined, “Dolores please.”

“What if they go after someone else. What if they try to kill mama because they think she’s too dangerous, or Mirabel or me.”

Bruno knew he already lost.

“Okay…” Bruno said, numbly, “I’ll tell them. But please, give me some time.”

“Okay.” She conceded.

“Shit.” An unfamiliar voice interrupted them. Bruno turned to see a large man block the entry. “Found her, but looks like the plan’s changed. We’re gonna need to take Mirabel too.”

Dolores suddenly pulled him behind her, hiding him from the men’s gazes.

“Bruno, I need you to run. First chance you get.” Dolores told him in her whispery voice. “They won’t kill me but, when they find out who you are, they will kill you.”

“Sorry Dolores, Mirabel, this will only be temporary.”

A/N: Alright here's the other chapter I promised. That's all I've got for now, next chapter should be coming out sometime soon hopefully. Thanks for reading :)

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