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Mirabel was so proud of Antonio. He got his amazing gift and his amazing room. And everyone was celebrating and smiling and cheering. Antonio gave her a big smile before jumping onto his jaguar's back, leaving her behind. Mirabel smiled back.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't you dare ruin things for Antonio.

Mirabel was happy for him. Really. Just look at her little cousin shine! She was so proud.

At the same time though, it hurt. So much. Antonio's door felt like a punch in the gut. Some buried part of her had been shamefully hoping that she wouldn't be alone. That maybe, if Antonio's door disappeared too, it would just mean that the miracle was no longer giving gifts. That her own failure wasn't her fault.

But Antonio got his door, and Mirabel was left with the reality that she was the only one who didn't receive a gift. That she was deemed unworthy and was rejected. That she would never be good enough. That she was useless. A burden.

Unwanted, she thought, as she watched her family take a picture without her. They didn't notice - or maybe just didn't care- that she wasn't there with them. They didn't notice her leaving the party either.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of ceramic shattering behind her. She turned to see a broken roof tile on the floor. She picked it up, examining it in confusion. Where had it come from? Mirabel hissed in pain as she accidentally cut herself with the tile.

Suddenly the house started shaking. Mirabel looked around, trying to figure out what was happening. "Casita?"

Mirabel scrambled back in shock as a crack appeared beneath her, quickly growing and climbing up the walls. Behind Abuelo's painting. Through the doors, which began to flicker. The cracks quickly reached the candle, which sputtered and dimmed.

She ran. Shoving her way through the crowds of people as she frantically tried to reach where her family was dancing. "The house is in danger!"

The noise died at her scream, and everyone turned to look at her. "The tiles were falling. And there were cracks everywhere! And the candle almost went out."

But when she went to show them, the cracks had disappeared. "The cracks were there! They were everywhere. The house was in trouble... the candle was..."

She could feel the disappointed and annoyed looks being shot at her. She could see Isabella roll her eyes and scoff. Abuela's face was blank. "Abuela. I promise-"

"That's enough." Abuela hissed at her, giving her a pointed look. Abuela turned around, "There is nothing wrong with la casa Madrigal. The magic is strong! ... and so are the drinks."

Mirabel felt her stomach drop as everyone began laughing, and the party resumed. They didn't believe her. They just thought she was doing this for attention. As everyone returned to Antonio's room, her mom walked up to her.

"Mirabel..." She said, her face sad and worried.

"I didn't make it up mom," Mirabel said, showing off her cut hand. "If it was all in my head... how did I cut my hand?"

Her mom didn't say anything, just motioned Mirabel to follow her to the kitchen where she began making an arepa.

She didn't believe her either.

"I would never ruin Antonio's night!" Mirabel pleaded. "Is that really what you think?"

"What I think," her mother said gently, "is that today was a really hard day for you."

"I was looking out for the family." Mirabel said, hurt and frustrated. She just needed someone to believe her. Please.

"And, I might not be super strong like Luisa, or -" Mirabel rolled her eyes - "effortlessly perfect like Señorita perfecta Isabella - Who's never even had a bad hair day."

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