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"don't you want to talk about it?" he asked while staring down at the floor and letting go of me.

talk? talk about what?

"is there something we need to talk about?" i laughed awkwardly, still a bit puzzled.

but seriously, what else did he want me to talk about?

i had no idea what he was trying to get at.

if it was about the dare, then i would be quick to disagree. can't i just move on in peace?

i was about to shake my head but he said something before i could.

"sunghoon, i mean."

i froze at the mention of his name.

it felt like a bunch of memories just flashed through my head all at once.

i couldn't tell if they were good or bad.

but i just know that i missed it all, whether it was negative or not.

he continued to speak when he saw that i couldn't reply with anything, "i.. sometimes see you staring at him in class." he muttered, "i wanted to know if you really liked him."


is what i wanted to say,

but nothing came out.

"i did." i took a seat next to him again. i guess i sat down because once those words escaped my mouth, i knew i was going to stay here for long.

maybe that's what i needed, a talk.

i just didn't know. (mollasseo~~(*''))

"i do." i corrected myself, "i do like him... i still like him." i admitted, not caring anymore.

these feelings were raw, and if i just let out the truth, then maybe it'd help me move on faster.

"he was always a bit mean to me when we were younger, so when he asked me out, i couldn't really believe it." i explained, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "he said things that were the opposite of his actions, but despite that, it felt like he cared. he'll be calling me stupid or an idiot while treating my nosebleed." i chuckled weakly.

jungwon was a bit taken aback, "you liked that...?" he questioned, a bit surprised.

i shook my head, "i don't know. i guess i did, otherwise i wouldn't have tried to kiss him."

maybe i said too much, but who was jungwon to me?

he's like a stranger, a classmate i wont ever talk to.

i know i'm probably making a big mistake by telling him all this, but right now i really don't care.

he asked...

he wanted to know, right?

i turned to see his reaction, and it made me laugh a bit. his eyes were widened as if i told him that someone had just died.

"it didn't happen though." i chuckled, making him sigh out of relief for whatever reason.

"sorry." he said, "it's just a bit surprising."

i shook my head, looking back down at my lap as i got ready to say more. although, whatever i thought about only made me a bit more sad.

"i wish..." i muttered.

one blink.

i blinked once, and my eyes started stinging.

i don't know why. i thought it started raining, like a few raindrops just dropped on my face.

but i was wrong, it was just tears.

god, i cry so easily.

"... i wish he would've been able to fall for me, even if it started out as a dare." i said quietly, "is it weird if i said that i wouldn't have minded, as long as he ended up liking me back?"

it felt like i was talking to a wall, but i didn't care. i wanted it to be like that. i didn't care if he answered me or not. i just wanted someone to listen.

i brought my hands to my face to wipe away the tears. i kept my hands on my face to cover myself. i decided to stay like that until i stopped crying.

but then i felt two hands wrap around me. he brought me closer to him and hugged me for a bit.

there weren't anymore thoughts...

it just felt warm.


"jesus christ, i'm sweating balls right now." sunghoon said with his hands on his knees, exhausted with the sport.

"you okay sunghoon?" jay asked, looking back at sunghoon before a frisbee came flying at his head.

"pfft." sunghoon stifled a chuckle before turning around, "i'm gonna get some water, be right back!" he waved.

he ran while looking back at jay who was on the floor while dramatically holding his head as if it was the end of the world. sunghoon chuckled before facing forward again.

there was a cooler and a pack of plastic water bottles sitting on the first row of bleachers near the left side of the seats.

he was staring right at it, but the closer he got, the more his eyes drifted upwards to the other students on the bleachers.

he could see two familiar figures at the opposite end, seated near the highest area. he squinted and finally realized who it was.

despite noticing them, he kept going to where the water bottles were. he was confused, "namkyu and jungwon...?" he whispered to himself, still trying to process the scene.

he took one bottle and opened it right away, gulping it down as if it would wash away his confusions.

he shut his eyes tightly before looking back up at the two again, only to see...

jungwon hugging her.

sunghoon had a mouthful of water before spitting it out from choking, which caused a few people to turn their heads at him.

he was embarrassed, but that didn't matter right now. he didn't want those two to see him. so he quickly wiped his mouth with his shirt before turning around and making a run for it.

"what the hell..." he muttered, "what the hell was that?"

he was so confused, he didn't know what he saw.

well, he did know, but he was just really surprised. she looked like she was covering her face, but why?

was she crying...?

sunghoonie woonie patootie

come get ur gurl

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