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"hey. can you please help-"

"don't speak to me park, i'm serious." i warned him, putting my hand up to divide my view so i wouldn't have to look at him.

he stayed silent, "i'm just asking."

"i don't care."

i wouldn't have been this mean if it weren't for the recap i had at lunch yesterday. how could i forget? and plus, i probably wouldn't be any help to him anyway.

i'm ranked 27th for lowest marks in the class. if he found out, he'd know not to ask me for help anymore. but, i won't go out of my way to tell him. that's just embarrassing.

during gym, the field and grass was all muddy from yesterday's rain. and we were playing soccer...

we, as in jihyun and i, changed into our gym strip in the same stall since i cannot change in the open with the rest of the girls. i'm probably insecure or somethin'.

then we headed to the field together. most of the boys were already there playing with the soccer balls and wrestling each other for fun.

sunghoon was chatting with his friends that he made so quickly, i'd list all their names but i don't pay too much attention to all the people in our class, even though i've been in the same room as them for the half of the year.

at least i'm not like him, who pays attention to every little thing they do and judge them for it.

we were in divided teams. jihyun and i were doing okay, keeping our streak of not interacting with the ball.

well, jihyun tries her best, i don't know why i included her in my sentence.

she was going in for it, trying her best to participate in the game and at least dribble around with the ball for once.

our gym teacher blew the whistle with his eyes on me, "namkyu! don't just stand there." he said in a stern voice, causing some people to turn their heads.

ah, i wish i was sitting out right now. i should've lied today and said that it was that time of the month.

i jogged forward a bit until jihyun noticed and passed me the ball. i was doing well and moving towards center so that we could have to ball on their side and not ours. i didn't want our net to be at risk, but someone else had other ideas.

honestly, this is the first time in a while that i've actually tried in gym. my eyes were so stuck on the ball that i didn't even realize who was in front of me, ready to steal it from me.

i looked up and met eyes with sunghoon, i paused for a second when i realized. he looked at me as well before attempting to take it from me.

no, not today. i was doing so good.

it was getting intense until he successfully got it, i don't know what happened, but the i saw his leg kicking the ball with full force.

suddenly, the ball came flying towards my chin.

"oh shit." sunghoon muttered under his breath.

i then felt the impact, my head got thrown back and so did my body. i fell back onto the floor, placing my hands down to reduce the pain of falling.

as i landed, i felt the wet touch of grass and dirt on my hands,

and on my ass.

i felt my chin with the clean back of my hand before i looked up at him and glared, he just stared back silently not knowing what to do.

people were coming towards us.

"what? are you gonna laugh at me this time too?" i slightly scoffed at him.

his eyes just widened for a split second before i felt myself being lifted up from behind, it was jihyun.

he looked like he felt bad. god, it was satisfying.

the wet patch on my ass was so noticeable, i just groaned before walking away while jihyun followed.

"hey, did you shit yourself?" one of the guys, niki, asked knowing damn well he saw what happened.

actually, maybe he didn't see since he was sitting out, this guy is slow at times. i noticed that because he always raised his hand to ask questions that had already been answered.

i just ignored him and headed to the outdoor bathrooms.

he shrugged and continued drinking his water as jihyun and i walked off.

"hey, are you alright?" she asked when the door behind us closed.

"i'm fine." i replied, "it might just leave a small bruise. what i'm more worried about is this shit stain on my shorts." i laughed.

she wet some paper towel and began wiping the spot, i helped her out of course. this wasn't weird, i promise.

now it was just wet, the dirt and mud was all gone.

she turned me around to face her, "kyu." she said, i cringed at the nickname, "you can't keep it to yourself forever, at least tell me." she pleaded, "everyone had that weird look on their face when you said that to sunghoon."

i nodded, jihyun was someone i trusted the most. i just kept things to myself most of the time, i didn't understand the appeal of sharing every little thing about my life.

"that moment just felt really familiar to me, you know what i mean?" i explained, "he's been mean so often, honestly i was expecting him to just laugh at me, or make a fool out of me again."

"what do you mean? how do you know him though?" she asked curiously.

i sighed, "long story short, when i took figure skating lessons, he was on a different level and i was way lower than him." i smiled sarcastically.

she raised a brow, "i remember that, i always wondered why you quit. i usually just assumed it was your parent-"

"it was because of him." i admitted and interrupted her at the same time, "he's the reason i quit."

her mouth formed into an o shape.

"let's just leave this in the past, okay? i believe you two can make up." she comforted.

"i doubt it." i muttered before we left the bathroom.

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