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the line got huge before she knew it. since she was the last of the people to get there, it was understandable that she'd be near the end of the line.

but the line was absolutely enormous. she couldn't even see the front of the line, so instead, she decided to wait for jihyun until she's done.

she's sure that jihyun and her 'friends' got to be in the front of the line since they were fast in getting there.

there wasn't any sign of sunghoon either, maybe he left after seeing the long line.

after a few minutes of waiting while leaning on a random wall, she finally spotted jihyun. she was just now getting her snacks. it seemed like she was arguing with someone, and she couldn't make out who it was until she moved to the side to get the other person in her field of vision.

it was niki, he and jihyun were arguing over which one was better. when jihyun finally gave up and turned away, namkyu noticed the small smile on niki's face while looking at jihyun.

it wasn't a satisfied smile or a mocking one, it was genuine. he seemed to only use that smile when she wasn't looking.

namkyu smirked, "well well. i saw that, mr. not-so-sneaky." she chuckled to herself, intrigued by the fact that the playful boy has some sort of interest for her bestfriend.

it wouldn't be surprising, jihyun and niki went to the same elementary school and middle school, but they weren't as close in middle school since they didn't have classes together. that's how jihyun ended up hanging out with namkyu every minute of the day.

her smile faded once she realized what she was thinking about. it must be nice having someone who genuinely has feelings for you.

when it comes to namkyu, it seems impossible to be liked by the opposite gender. it's always as a joke or for fun if anyone were to show interest in her.

her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by what seemed to be a plastic wrapper tapping her shoulder, "hey." a familiar voice said. it was higher than other boys, but deep at the same time.

she turned to the right and saw an innocent face. well, he seemed innocent and cute but his expression said otherwise.

"are you going to take it?" he asked, tapping her again with the plastic wrapped snack.

she looked side to side and finally realized he was talking to her, "oh.. thank you?" she said, taking the snack and eyeing it suspiciously.

"it's nothing, it's just a pity looking at you." he sighs, "if you think your friend is gonna buy you a snack, then you're quite dumb." he bluntly says, leaning on the wall next to her while opening a banana milk box.

she raises her brows in disbelief, did he just come here to insult her? "what are you talking about? i'm just waiting for her..." she says, looking back at the snack.

a small smirk curved it's way on the corner of his lip before he kept a straight face again, "hey namkyu, what do you think of niki and jihyun?"

"huh?" she turned her head to niki and jihyun's direction, noticing how good they look together. they looked comfortable and full of laughter.

"how does it feel to see your best friend hanging out with the guy who planned the whole dare?" he chuckled, sipping through his straw again.

namkyu's eyes widened, it was niki? she didn't know how to feel. she shouldn't be surprised, but why was she? she honestly hated the thought of the whole dare itself.

she just wanted the thought to go away. she remembered how humiliated she felt when she found out.

"it feels bad, huh?"

it did, it did feel bad.

so why are you reminding me?

"can you just... shut up?" she asked, pursing her lips to hold in her emotions.

it's so easy for you to say, but can't you tell how hurt i am because of it?

can't you put yourself in my shoes for a bit?

his eyes widened as he almost choked on his drink. he didn't expect namkyu to react that way.

"and this." namkyu held up the snack to him, "i don't need your pity." she shoved the snack against jungwon's chest.

he slowly held the snack to keep it from dropping. he was a bit puzzled from how hurt she looked.

"you're acting as if you're not as bad as him, you could've told me before it happened instead of just watching? why are you telling me now that it's done?" she keeps on asking, a bit choked up, "i hate you and your whole friend group. you guys are honestly all so stupid." she finishes before leaving, shoving through the crowd to get out of that area.

he's still frozen from what happened. he looks at the snack he attempted to give to her and puts it in his bag pocket.

"woah." he whispered under his breath.

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