chapter ten

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It had been two months since Cora started driving Nancy to school - two months since all the drama. The rumours had died down by now, and Nancy and Cora were spending more time together than they ever had.

Steve and Cora had also been hanging out regularly. Steve even went as far as encouraging Cora to ask Nancy out, even if he still loved Nancy. Cora admired his ability to put others before himself, but she didn't want to hurt him by asking Nancy out. She knew he was still healing.

Cora had spoke with Jonathan two other times since the drama had happened. Once to yell at him, and the other to apologize for yelling at him. It ended up going full circle, and he apologized for his wrong doings as well.

Nancy and Cora got out of the taller girls car with grins on their faces; they had been talking about music the entire way there. Cora was pleased when less looks were sent their way. While they did still hear the rude comments about them as they walked the halls together, it was much easier to ignore.

"You know, I was actually thinking that we could go shopping to get more CDs for our car rides." Nancy said, her books were gripped tightly to her chest as the two stopped in front of Cora's locker. "It could be fun."

Cora smiled at the thought, "when were you planning on going?"

Nancy shrugged, "my schedule is free tonight. We could go right after school, if you're not busy." She looked nervous. Why would she be nervous?

"I have nothing planned." Cora pulled her math textbook out of her locker, before putting it in her backpack. "So, why not?" She turned to grin at Nancy.

Nancy smiled widely before sucking in a deep breath, "and, I was thinking..." she stuttered, pausing to glance around. She bit her lip nervously before looking back at Cora. "Maybe it could be... a date?" Cora looked surprised by the question, internally excited about the thought of going on a date with Nancy. "I mean, only if you want it to be. You can say no."

"Yes." Cora spoke before the girl could continue her rambling, causing her to close her mouth shut, a gleam in her eyes. "I would love to go on a date with you."

Nancy beamed up at the girl, "great." She inhaled, backing away slowly, "I'll see you at lunch?" She asked.

"You know it."

After going through the rest of her classes, and eating lunch with Nancy and Steve, Cora leaned against her car as she waited for Nancy. There was a smile on her face that she couldn't seem to hide, and a gleam in her eyes that make them sparkle like shining stars. Cora Knight hadn't felt so happy in forever.

When Nancy walked up to her car, she seemed to have the same look on her face. Cora quickly opened the door for her, before making her way into the drivers seat. As she sat down, she looked over to Nancy with a smirk. "Ready?"

Nancy nodded, "ready."

Getting to the store they had in mind didn't take long. Cora looked up at the sign, 'Roscoe's music shop'. It was good enough; cheap, but the CDs were in pretty good condition.

Nancy held her hand in Cora's as she led her to the store. It was the first time they had ever held hands before, and Cora loved it.

She loved the excitement bubbling within her as she looked to the girl next to her, whose eyes were skimming across the CD shelves. She loved the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as Nancy smiled at her. But, she especially loved how she was on a date with Nancy Wheeler, of all people.

Nancy grabbed a Madonna CD, a gasp leaving her throat. "I've been looking for this one for forever! I only have the vinyl." She exclaimed.

Cora smiled at her, loving the sound of her voice. "That's great, Nance." She looked over at the CD, "we are definitely playing this on the way back to your house."

Nancy quickly nodded, "agreed." She held the CD close to her chest as they began to walk around the store, their hands still intertwined.

The rest of the date felt like a dream to Cora, and as she drove Nancy home, they blasted the Madonna CD on full volume, singing their hearts out. The wide smiles on their faces never left, and the blush on their cheeks only seemed to deepen whenever they made eye contact. It was absolutely perfect.

Cora helped Nancy bring five of the ten CDs that she had bought to her room, while Nancy held the other half. The two of them carefully set them in Nancy's CD drawer, before closing it with a sigh.

Nancy threw her backpack to the floor before plopping on her bed with a sigh. Cora followed, and the two stared up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

Cora was first to break the silence, "have you already forgotten?" She inquired.

Nancy frowned in confusion, turning her head to face Cora. "Forgotten what?" She asked.

A mischievous grin made its way onto Cora's face as she sat up, and leaned on her elbow, turning to face Nancy. "You owe me, Nancy Wheeler." She said softly.

Nancy raised her brows, suddenly remembering what had happened two months before. She leaned on her own elbow, and turned to face Cora. "What do I owe you?" She questioned.


Nancy hummed, "a book?"


"A new vinyl?"


"Another date? To the movies this time?"

"Getting closer."

Nancy huffed, "what is it?" She frowned.

Cora smiled softly, "a kiss." Her voice was soft. Nancy paused as she looked over at her, causing Cora to raise a brow. "Are you just gonna stare at me, Nancy, or are you gonna kiss me?"

Nancy's lips parted in surprise before she slowly nodded, "I'm gonna kiss you." She said, before placing a hand on Cora's cheek and pulling her in for a kiss. Cora smiled into the kiss, causing Nancy to do the same.

Now, everything felt right. There was no drama, or boy problems. It was just Cora Knight and Nancy Wheeler kissing after their first date, and it was perfect.

lizzie speaks...


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