chapter four

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Cora held a hand around Nancy's waist as she made her way over to Steve. The boy quickly noticed the two girls stumbling over, and his eyes widened at the sight. Before Steve could speak up, Cora did, "I'm gonna take her home, if that's okay. She's really drunk." Nancy giggled from next to Cora, "obviously." She added with a sigh.

Steve paused for a moment before sighing, realizing he can't just leave a house party going at his own house with no host. "Yeah, okay." He nodded, "thank you so much, Cora." He nodded, "I owe you one."

Cora raised her brows in amusement, "you sure do." She sent him a sly smile, causing him to roll his eyes. "Hey, Nancy didn't take her own car here, did she?"

Steve shook his head, "no, I drove her."

Cora nodded, "all right. That's better for me, I'll drive her home in my car then." She paused, realization dawning upon her, "I don't know where she lives."

Steve chuckled softly as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the familiar sharpie from earlier in the day. He pulled out her free wrist, and wrote down Nancy's address, directly above his own which was still written on Cora's wrist. "There." He finished off, putting the sharpie away a few moments after.

Cora glanced down at the address before nodding, "thanks, Harrington." She thanked the boy, who nodded in response as he walked up to Nancy's other side. Cora watched as Steve held a hand above Cora's which was still held tightly around Nancy's waist.

"Come on, Nance." Steve helped lead Nancy to Cora's car, which was surrounded by multiple cars. She was lucky to see an opening, which would allow her to drive off with no problem. "Let's get you home."

Steve quickly opened the passenger door, before putting a hand on Nancy's arm as he helped her sit in the car seat. Nancy tried protesting, but she was far too tired and drunk to run off. She would've fallen if she had taken one step away from the other two.

Once Nancy was in, Cora leaned over her to make sure her seatbelt was secure, and thankfully it was. She felt Nancy's eyes on the side of her head as she tugged on the seatbelt one last time. Cora pulled away quickly after, feeling her heart race slightly before she closed the door for her.

When she turned to face Steve, he didn't seem to think anything of it. But, he spoke up soon after, "hey, Cora?" He asked softly, she hummed in response as she stopped by the door to the drivers side, and Steve stood a few feet in front of her. "Why are you being so nice to her?" He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Cora sucked in a deep breath and sighed, "well, I may not like her very much but that doesn't mean I'm gonna leave her drunk ass at a party like this." She covered up any hint of a smile on her face as her lips tingled at the memory of the kiss, and hoped that the blush on her cheeks was unseen in the dark of the night.

Steve hummed in thought before nodding, "that's fair." He shrugged, glancing at Nancy who seemed to be nodding off in the car. "Well, I'll see you at school, Knight." He sent Cora a smile, before walking off, glancing to Nancy once more.

Cora didn't get the chance to say goodbye, as he was already too far away, and drowning in the music that was blasting in his home. She glanced to the left of the front door, to see Jonathan looking her way with wide eyes, a camera in hand. When he caught sight of her looking, he quickly looked away. Cora sighed softly to herself once more before opening the car door, and sitting in the drivers seat.

Nancy was already sleeping by the time she sat down, which made things much easier for her. That is, until they actually arrived to her house. Cora could already feel the guilt creeping in at the knowledge that she would have to wake the drunk girl up, and sneak her past her parents. She could only hope that they weren't home.

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