chapter seven

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Cora didn't speak to Nancy for a week. She no longer felt the need to, no matter how much it was hurting her on the inside. Every time Nancy had walked up to her, she would leave before the shorter girl could get a word out.

And that's what Nancy was doing right now.

Cora looked up at the sound of footsteps, looking around the school parking lot for her car. Her eyes landed on Nancy Wheeler, causing her to sigh. "No, wait!" Nancy's hand was now wrapped around Cora's wrist, causing her to stop. "Please, I just... I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Cora snapped, "do you need me to help you pick out an outfit for a date with Steve? Or have you been busy spreading more rumours about me?"

"No!" Nancy's eyes widened, before she calmed down slightly. "I just... I'm trying to fix this." She sighed, "everything that I did."

"You can't fix this, Nancy. You messed up really badly." Cora glared down at her, "so please, just leave it. Let me go home, because I can feel everyone staring holes into the back of my head right now, and it's driving me insane."

"I broke up with Steve." She suddenly blurted out. Cora's eyes widened in surprise. "And I told him what really happened."

Cora turned to face her better, but Nancy kept her hand around Cora's wrist. "And how'd he take that?"

Nancy frowned deeply, "not well." She admitted. "But, I was wondering if you wanted to start over. And... I'll completely understand if you don't. You can hate me all you want for what I did... I just wanted to let you know that I'd like to... um... give us a shot." She then widened her eyes, "as friends! And then we'll see where things go, I suppose."

Cora was slightly amused at the girl's awkwardness, but she didn't show it. "Mind if I think it over?"

Nancy shook her head, "no, I don't mind at all." She spoke quickly. She noticed how her hand was still gripped around Cora's wrist, causing her to yank it back and put it at her side. "Sorry."

Cora paused before shrugging, "it's okay." She mumbled. She'd never felt so conflicted in her life. She wanted to pull Nancy into a hug right then and there, but she knew that would seem odd. She'd been shutting the girl out for days, she wasn't going to forgive her immediately, especially after what she did. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, I guess."

Nancy nodded, "yeah. See you tomorrow." She awkwardly began to back away before making her way over to the other side of the parking lot. Suddenly, she froze. Slowly, the girl began making her way back over to Cora.

Cora raised her brows, "you don't have a ride anymore, do you?"

Nancy sighed, "no, I do not." She looked down at her shoes for a moment before looking back up at Cora, "would you mind-"

"Come on, Wheeler." Cora led Nancy over to her car with a sigh. So much for spending time away from Nancy.

Cora sat comfortably in the drivers seat as she drove Nancy home. The girl next to her was playing with the rings on her fingers nervously, trying to look anywhere but at Cora.

Cora broke the silence, "will you have a ride to school tomorrow?" She asked.

Nancy shook her head softly, "no. Usually Steve drives me, because my parents are always busy in the mornings. I'll just have to take the bus."

Cora hummed softly, "what if I drove you to school?" She asked, causing Nancy to whip her head over to her, her mouth agape. "That doesn't mean I forgive you," she added, "but it'll give us some time to talk. Fix things, as you put it."

Nancy smiled softly, "I would really appreciate that." She spoke sincerely. She stopped fidgeting with her rings, as she focused on Cora for a moment. "Thank you, Cora."

Cora nodded, glancing at Nancy for a moment to see the look on her face before staring straight ahead. "No problem, Wheeler." She smiled softly. "Although," she raised a brow, "you owe me."

Nancy frowned, "why?"

Cora shrugged, a glint in her eye, "after everything you've done, I think you owe me something. You're apology wasn't very heartfelt."

Nancy noticed the joking tone in Cora's voice, "oh." She smiled, "and, what do I owe you?"

"Ask me later," she responded. "I'll tell you then."

"How will I know when 'later' is?" Nancy could tell that Cora had something specific in mind, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Cora only smirked, "you'll know."

lizzie speaks...

any guesses as to what cora has in mind? :)

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