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twenty-seven - Don't die this time.

twenty-seven - Don't die this time

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"Always worship me."



Venus never really thought about how she would die. Well, that's a lie. She thought about it a lot after almost dying during her crash a year ago. She believed that when she died, it would be her time.

But, as the aircraft kept descending, her heart plummeted along with it. She didn't want it to be her time, she wanted to live. Venus wasn't ready to leave yet, she was just getting happy with her life for the first time in her life.

Bones yelled something that didn't quite reach her ears before he put his hands on the yellow loops behind his head.

There wasn't a parachute. She was just going to fall like last time. There wasn't any parachute.

He pulled the ejection.

A few hours earlier.

Maverick stood in front of everyone with a sad smile on his face, "It's been an honor to teach you, Aviators. Hopefully, I taught you more than I yelled at you," Everyone laughed, "But, enough of this. The person who will be the team leader is Rooster." Venus smiled at the man next to her, "The two duos will be Pheonix and Bob following Rooster and Venus and Bones following me." He sighed and looked at everyone like he wanted to speak more, but he shook his head, "Say your goodbyes."

It was almost as if they were sending them on a suicide mission.

Venus walked over to Hangman and hugged him, "No doing stupid shit if I die, alright?"

The man laughed and hugged her tighter, "Anything for you, Blondie."

Next, she walked over to Bambi and Dino who was saying goodbye to Bones, "Now, do not forget your favorite Russian."

Bambi laughed and sniffled, "I could never." The brunette hugged her, "Don't die, okay?"

Venus sighed, she would've probably made a sarcastic remark to anybody else, but instead, she said, "Okay."

Dino rushed in to hug her, "If you die, I'll tell Greyson that you went to a happy farm as you told him about his dog that went there too." Venus laughed and hugged her tighter.

Payback and Fanboy hugged her, "Always worship me." The two boys laughed.

Fritz was next, "Don't let the bear get you this time." Venus saluted and walked away.

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