An offer for brendon

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Last three days of beach trip

(B) so what do you two wanna do today?

(A) we've done a bunch this Christmas trip so we don't really know

(O) their is also only three days left of this trip before we start second semester of our sophomore year

(A) true

(B) maybe another date

(O) that would sound fun

(A) what does everyone else have planned since theirs eleven of us here?

(N) no clue

(C) haven't decided

(G) *calling brendon* brendon

(B) hey dad

(G) I needed to have a talk with you

(B) what's going on dad? *walking outside*

(O) what's going on with babe?

(A) don't know

(G) remember the college I went to in my early adult years

(B) my dream school that I planned on going to in Boston after graduation

(G) yes that school of arts, I was talking with friends of mine from the school and I got you an early scholarship to the school

(B) really?

(G) yes son really you'll be leaving after you get back from your beach vacation

(B) wait what?

(G) I said your leaving after you get back from your trip it's an early scholarship

(O) *walking over to door*

(B) dad I can't jest leave to Boston for a school in the middle of my sophomore year

(A) what?

(B) dad Boston can wait for me

(G) this is a once in a life time offer son you can't just throw it away, do you know how much work it took me to get you into this school? You wanted to go so here's your offer to go

(B) dad I can't jest up and leave anthony and oliver behind

(G) their jest boyfriends son relationships can deal with long distance or end it doesn't matter how they feel about you leaving your an adult and have a bright future ahead of you

(B) but dad

(G) no more butts son your going to this school after you get back from that trip of yours so say your goodbyes now and be ready to go to Boston

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