The three boys

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(A) *writing on craig secrets* "I'm anothony loe, the kinda quiet guy around school who turned out to be openly gay, their were two guys I liked in my school last year and now things changed in the start of our junior year when we created a poly relationship, I'm the boyfriend of both Oliver Wilson and Brendon Mendes"

(O) there you are

(A) hey babe *kisses oliver*

(B) we were wondering where you wondered off too

(A) I've been here baby *kisses brendon*

(O) *looking at phone* on craig secrets

(A) yes

(B) it's a cute post

(O) isn't our one month coming up this September?

(B) yeah it is by the

(A) seventh

(B) someone keeps track

(A) on the calendar

(C) there he is

(N) you guys are hard to find sometimes

(A) hey callie Natalie

(B) hello

(N) I'm kinda still confused on this uh

(B) polyamory relationship

(N) that it's kinda new I've never actually heard of it before

(C) over the internet Polyamorous people have multiple loving, intentional, and intimate relationships at the same time. Polyamory is also a type of open or non-monogamous relationship that follows certain guidelines. Polyamory specifically refers to people who have multiple romantic relationships at the same time

(O) that's us we are a polyamory relationship of three and it will only be a relationship of three

(B) Oliver is right

(N) I kinda question what do you each call each other?

(A) I call Oliver babe and Brendon baby

(B) Anthony would get called bebe and I call Oliver bae

(O) I call brendon babe and Anthony baby we all know our callings

(N) understanding

(C) you guys relationship is cute

(A) thank you

(N) I kinda sounds like Anthony is the baby of the relationship

(B) he's seventeen and we are both older than him but we're all in the same school year so technically he is the baby but we both love him equally since this relationship is still kinda new only being one month in

(A) we do love it though and make each other the happiest

(V) do your parents question it at all

(O) no each of our families accept it and respect our choices of how we love one another and they have attended pride events through the years so they always knew what polyamory and other sexualities were besides straight

(C) your families sound like the best families

(A) *holding Oliver and Brendon's hand* they are

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