Anthony's birthday

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Time skip- December 2nd (close to 4 months)

(A) good morning mom dad

(S) there's our birthday boy

(D) happy birthday son

(A) thank you

(M) *hugging Anthony* happy birthday ant

(A) thank you callie happy to see you home

(L) attack *tossing blocks at Anthony* hey don't do that

(M) Luis stop throwing blocks

(L) birthday attack on bubu

(S) maybe not with building blocks luis

(O) *knocking on front door*

(A) who's here mama?

(S) birthday visitors *opening door* hey guys

(O) hi Mrs.Loe

(B) hello

(A) babe baby you both made it

(O) of course we would make it to our boyfriends birthday

(B) your officially eighteen and happy birthday

(A) thank you both

(L) *tossing blocks at brendon and oliver*

(B) bebe why is your little brother throwing his blocks?

(A) luis your going to hurt someone

(L) *throwing block towards olivers crotch*

(O) ooooh that hurt *holding crotch

(S) Oliver I'm so sorry are you ok?

(B) that's gotta hurt

(O) I'll be ok Mrs.Loe the block hit my private

(M) I'll take Oliver to his room

(S) thank you

(B) *holding onto oliver* first time having a kid throw a block at your dick

(O) shut it that shit hurts *sitting on couch*

(A) sorry about my brother babe

(O) it's fine

(B) *walking in kitchen* so what kind of cake is for the birthday boy?

(S) thinking of homemade tres leches possible with.. what is his favorite flavor icing?

(B) cookies n cream

(S) we have store bought icing and oreo pack on top of the fridge

(B) I shall help for you since you've been doing amazing work

(O) someone being a chef today

(B) helping make frosting for baby's cake

(O) nice

(S) Oliver may I ask a favor from you too?

(O) yes

(S) could you go to the upstairs guest room and grab the gifts?

(O) yes ma'am *walking upstairs*

(A) where did everyone go?

(M) one is in the kitchen with mama and the other is upstairs grabbing something for mama

(A) alright

(B) *spreading frosting* it's done

(O) gifts have been brought down

(S) great now you hold the right side and oliver hold the left side of the cake pan

(O) alright *holding cake with brendon* 

(S) ant come here sweetie

(A) yes mama

(D) *turning off lights*

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Anthony happy birthday too you"

(A) *blowing out candles*

(S) yay

(L) cake time

(O) *kisses Anthony's cheek* happy

(B) *kisses Anthony's cheek* birthday baby

(A) thank you both

Three Boyfriends Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ