Chapter 8

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She winced. Noah hovered over her, unsure what to do. He looked like a lost puppy, his eyes darting here and there. Emma almost laughed at the sight of him looking so helpless, and her grin seemed to quiet his uneasiness.

He gave her a small smile back as he proceeded to scoop her up into his arms, being careful with her ankle. Emma looked around as he walked, searching for some sign that would indicate help.

She finally decided that they needed help finding help. She told Noah to carry her to Opa.

He obliged, his feet dragging from her slight weight. She didn't know whether her injury was serious, or if it would hinder her training. Time had passed her by quicker than she wanted, as it did when she was working hard, and the supposed war was only three weeks away. She couldn't afford to lose much time.

Noah approached the door and Emma ducked her head to avoid the frame. Opa looked up from preparing vegetable skewers when she glanced over and saw Noah slowly lowering Emma down onto one of the kitchen stools.

Opa hurried over to Emma, feet shuffling along the tiled floor. Bending over the lame ankle, Opa studied it intently. It was bent at the wrong angle, and Emma was worried that it might be broken. Unfortunately, her suspicions were correct.

"Oh dear. I'm afraid you may have to sit out for the next few weeks."

Emma sat up, her mind buzzing. How many weeks was a few? And could she afford to lose them? Concern crinkled her face and Noah's eyes darkened. He knew what it meant too.

Opa looked at her as though she were made out of glass. She said, "I'd say about 2 1/2 weeks, at the most. We have strategies to help you heal faster."

Furious, Emma shoved herself off the stool and cried out in pain as her broken ankle took the weight. She spilled into Noah's arms and he looked at Opa questioningly. "What do you recommend?"

Opa sighed and looked like she was in deep consideration. "For the fastest recovery, she needs to ice everyday for the next week, and get some serious rest, along with taking some healing remedies I've whipped up.

The week after that, she can begin to try some exercises to rework the muscles. By the end of the third week she should be back at full strength."

Emma exhaled, still supported by Noah's forearms. It wasn't a lot of time to get better, but at least she wouldn't be immobilized while everyone else fought.

She heard Noah's voice above her. "Well, I have to get back to training. Emma, if I tell Ravetin and Damgatia, do you think you could stay here and I'll come get you when I'm done?"

Emma groaned. He made it sound like she was a preschooler. But she resisted the urge to roll her eyes and replied, "Yes, of course. Could you tell Julia as well, please?" It wasn't much of an introduction, but it would do.

Propping herself back up with Noah's help, she waved goodbye to her brother and fingered her dragon pendant. She noticed it had lifted one paw up of it's own accord, as thought it had hurt it.

That wasn't weird at all.

She quickly dismissed it. She had more pressing issues to worry about. Her body would be restored to full health in three weeks time, but would her strength? And she wasn't sure if she could maintain her magic progression without practice and repetition.

Emma supposed it couldn't hurt her ankle to practice magic. It was propped up beside her, covered in ice that froze her skin. The injury made her frustrated. It was one obstacle in her path, and she was determined to get to the end of her path. She remembered how it happened.

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