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     Alec screamed in his mind for about the fifth time. The feelings of that night at dinner felt fresh in his mind again. Alec was reminded of why he got such a kick out of terrorizing Apollo. Apollo, the reject, the outcast, the kid who didn't have to work for his reputation. The one who constantly smelled like piss and didn't own a hairbrush! Apollo didn't get to tell his secret.
    Alec let his head fall into his hands. He couldn't deal with it like this. He could tell Apollo was starting to get tired, and he couldn't risk fucking his perfect discipline record up. He only had to keep the both of them alive for another week. Right?


    Apollo stood, uncomfortable next to Alec's mother, holding open a plastic bag to catch the parts of the vegetables she chopped off. They didn't say anything to each other, and Apollo felt like itching his balls off at the awkwardness of it. At least he wasn't doing this with Alec, or else he may have been stabbed already.
    "Um, Miss," Apollo almost whispered, feeling himself bristle anxiously. "Can you tell me more about first grade?" Apollo almost dropped the bag as he finished his question, but the copious amounts of sweat that had formed in his palms saved him by causing the plastic handles to stick to his skin. Alec's mother furrowed her brow, surprised at his question.
    "Well, I've known your mother a very, very, long time. She was very understanding and accommodating during my divorce. I guess we'd always wanted you and Alec to get along as well as we did. For a good while, you guys really did," Alec's mom moved the cut vegetables into a separate bowl, but her movements seemed slow. "Alec changed when he went into the fourth grade. I can't tell if it's my fault or not. He used to be very expressive and boisterous, but he's quite like a vegetable anymore. Can't get him to tell me anything," Alec's mom then turned to face Apollo, staring at him intensely. "I can't complain I guess, he's a good student, like I expect," An edge in her tone accompanied the hard stare she was placing on Apollo, and he suddenly felt as if the way she was talking meant that he wasn't any of these things. "You two had a special bond. I'm sure you remember that, Apollo." Apollo swallowed thickly and regretted offering to help her. He wondered just how close she was with his mother, that she seemed to know everything.
    "Yes, Miss. I remember it very well." Apollo's shaking voice exposed his fear, and Alec's mom dropped the knife.
    "You aren't influencing my boy in any way, are you? You aren't...affecting what he thinks he's interested in?" Apollo nearly pissed himself.
    "I'm sorry, I don't think I can stay over anymore." Apollo felt sick, his stomach twisting over itself in knots of fear. He set down the bag and rushed out of the kitchen, with his legs feeling like they were made of lead. He practically sprinted up the stairs, knowing he couldn't leave his bag.
     Alec watched Apollo with a bewildered face, and his mouth twitched like he was itching to say something. Apollo frowned at him. "You win. You heard, didn't you? She thinks I turned you gay with my reject-kid-pheromones. I can't come back here. You won." Apollo turned to leave the house before he could even see the look on Alec's face.


     Alec sat at the desk in his room, staring at a blank piece of notebook paper. He wanted to finish the project just as quickly as Apollo did now that things went awry again. Alec sighed and set his pencil down once again. Why was he so furious? Who was he so angry at?
    Alec groaned and reached for his phone. He scrolled through about four different group chats, briefly reading the messages and putting his two cents in. Then he opened the basketball team group, smiling to himself.

DENNY227: Cap is that one sophomore really moving up 2 varsity tn?

konnerw6969: if the coach thinks so lmfao alec gonna carry us anyway just run box every time

Alec_A2005: cedarbrook is literally a joke if we dont win this we rip a stall out of the bathroom and blame emoz

DENNY227: do u guys think i can just go for a halfcourt if scores allow

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