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Alec stopped in front of familiar concrete stairs he'd walked up for years. He had just completed the short walk from school to his house, coming from practice. The sky was a dark orange, and the frozen-over lake behind his house glittered in the rapidly depleting sunlight. Alec adjusted the earbud that hung loosely in his ear. The beat-up iPod and dollar-store earbuds were practically an attachment to his body. Being a varsity basketball player and a well-respected Student Council member, he stood at the top of the social food chain. He was your average asshole, sporting a flawless, white smile and a track record of life blessing him for his shitty ways. Alec felt the cold air clash with his heated cheeks, and his breathing began to even out. He twisted the doorknob and walked inside. Alec let his bag slide from his wrist as he stumbled into the kitchen, where his mother was already waiting with her appraising gaze.
"Oh, you are sweating all over! Alec, make yourself look halfway decent- Jordie and Apollo are coming by for dinner. " Alec grunted in response, having no energy to help him form conceivable words.
His eye twitched when Apollo's name came up. He had unjustifiable hate for the kid, based only on the fact that he was a certified school weirdo who hung with a close-knit group of sub-weirdos. He had known Apollo and his hippie family since childhood, but he had treated them as if they were strangers since he could remember. The family was by no means a well-off family, the opposite of Alec's, yet his mom was persistent in being Jordie's mid-life best friend. There was a massive difference in their quality of life, meaning the boys had not gotten on well since elementary school for obvious social standing-related reasons.
"Who told me?" He snorted, moving into a nearby bathroom. Alec ran a hand through his hair. Even though he could not warm up to the company, he still felt he should look good. Maybe his mother's nagging about his appearance was getting to him.
Alec sighed and wandered back into the kitchen to help his mother, channeling his dread into the burning in his leg muscles. What felt like seconds later, Alec felt himself stiffen as the door opened and Jordie's usual chipper voice carried into the house. Alec's mom left his side at the stove to get friendly with Jordie, and Alec glared in Apollo's direction. The bastard gave him a small, noncommittal wave, and Alec already felt a familiar annoyance rise in his chest. Alec stared at the shorter boy, gazing over the cloud of black hair that reached his shoulders and the scar on his nose that contradicted his scared eyes. Apollo's hair was a little greasy, and his clothes were wrinkled. He was skin and bones and had an overall timid look about him. Apollo looked like the definition of everything Alec hoped to be far from- a loser and a greaseball. Apollo did not look very excited to see him, either.
"Hey, fucknugget. Want food? Come on, do something. " Alec's voice sounded casual, but Apollo knew better than to think Alec was calm about the situation. Apollo stared at Alec placidly before sighing and walking over, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He was obviously not interested in being here, especially since Alec was already an asshole. Apollo walked past Alec and opened a cupboard, pulling out some plates and silverware before setting them on the counter. He looked back at Alec, who was messing with a pot.
"What exactly do you need help with? You look like you can handle this. " He smiled a bit, hopping up to sit on the counter. Alec burned holes in Apollo's forehead as he turned off the stove and stepped forward to shove napkins he had grabbed from a counter into the kid's hands.
"Nothing, short-ass," he sneered, turning back around. "Momma's boy!" He added as Jordie scolded Apollo for sitting on the counter. It was incredible how parents only seemed to notice things when they were not significant. "Well, sweetpea, I'll give you something to do," Alec began explaining, with a grin Apollo should have recognized by then spreading across his near-perfect face. He balanced the pot on the curve of his arm to free a hand. He bent his fingers into his favorite, most original, middle-finger gesture. "First, you can sit on this," he tried not to laugh while checking to see if Apollo was looking."Y'know, instead of sitting on the counter and leaving whatever grease stains would come from your ass," Alec would not admit it, but seeing Apollo act unbothered all the time was the best way to bring out a flaw in his personality- his anger. "Then, you can sit at the table because I'm almost done." Alec turned to finish his task and keep his mind off his stirring emotions.
Apollo fumbled with the napkins, struggling to catch them. He huffed and stared at the back of Alec's head for a while, wondering how someone who appeared so kindhearted at school could be this way towards him behind closed doors.
Minutes later, Alec joined them all at the table with food. Alec shoved himself into his seat and forced a smile in Jordie's direction. His mother kicked him under the table.
"Stop that, Alec. You look like a rat. " Alec's face contorted before he sighed and looked away. In turning away, he was now facing Apollo. The black-haired boy was staring at Alec, covering his mouth as he began to snicker. The innocent chuckle turned into a loud laugh as Alec looked at Apollo wide-eyed. He laughed out an apology, calming down after a moment or two. Alec decided that he hated Apollo's crooked teeth and that he also had an ugly smile. Oh no, that loser will not be laughing for very long.
"Oh, look at them," his mother said, staring at both boys. "They're so sweet together. Aren't you two good friends? " Alec's eyes crumpled at the edges to reveal that he wanted to smile, but his mouth remained in a fitted line as he slowly turned his head toward his mother. She had to be delusional to be oblivious to their rocky relationship.
"Yes," Alec agreed, looking back at Apollo's punchable face. "We're very close. He told me he's still struggling with wetting the bed, Mrs. Jordie. He was afraid to let you know since you thought it had ended in the 5th grade. " Alec's ears blushed red as he struggled to keep down the laugh bubbling in his throat. The whole time he said these words, Apollo never left his peripheral. He watched the boy's expression slowly morph into one of disbelief. Apollo suddenly stood up, slamming his hands down on the table.
"I do not! I have never said that to you! What the hell, Alec? " Apollo looked around the table, hyperaware of the looks on everyone's faces. Most of all, he saw his mom's embarrassed frown. Something inside of him snapped. Apollo sat down quickly, crossing his arms and glaring at Alec.
"Speaking of friends, Alec over here has none. Not since he came out to everyone at the end of his junior year. They all talk to him, but it's superficial. They think he's contagious. " Everything was quiet for a second as Alec's eyes darted at Apollo, hate filling his gaze. The fake smile was plastered back on, and he avoided his mother's worried stare.
"It's alright, Apollo. An intervention is the best way to get over this bad habit. There's no need to start pointing fingers at me. Just saying, I have tons of friends who cherish me." Alec scoffed and leaned to the side toward Apollo. Alec reached his arm out, tangling his hand in Apollo's hair. His angelic blue eyes met Apollo's frightened brown ones, and he grinned wildly. Apollo opened his mouth to speak up and protest, but as soon as Alec put his hand in Apollo's hair, he shut his mouth. Alec grimaced as his fingers met with wet grease and tangles. Apollo stared right at him before nervously looking away, his gaze falling to the floor. Regret fell upon him, and he was terrified of what Alec would do to him now. Alec's mom started saying something, but Alec snorted and tugged on Apollo's hair so he could get close to the boy's ear. "I'm telling my buddy, Apollo, a secret," Alec explained, as if nothing was wrong with the situation. Jordie's eyes were bugging out of her head.
"Apollo, why didn't you tell me you were still urinating at night? And why are you saying those things about Alec? He's trying to help you. " Alec let out a laugh in Apollo's ear and spoke.
"Never again, reject." Alec spread his large hand over Apollo's skull and pushed the poor kid's head straight into his bowl. If Alec didn't have a reason to loathe Apollo before, he sure did now. And it was not about hygiene this time.
Apollo was frozen in both shock and fear. There was no noise at the table. He waited a moment before pushing his face out of the bowl, hastily grabbing his napkin and attempting to wipe his face off. Unfortunately, this did nothing, so he remained covered in soup. He glanced at Alec angrily for a fraction of a second before standing up.
"Oops... uh, I'll be right back, excuse me." Apollo squeaked out the sentence as he planned out bee-lining to the nearby bathroom. He was unbelievably embarrassed. Alec stood up immediately, eyes following Apollo as he moved toward the bathroom.
"I'll help." Alec croaked, nearly sprinting after Apollo. He opened the door, knowing Apollo had no idea how to lock it, and closed it quietly behind him. Apollo had turned on the bathroom sink but had not washed himself off yet. He stood, staring at his reflection. Apollo watched thick soup drip from his long bangs to his nose. He had just broken out of his trance when the door clicked. At first, he tried to ignore Alec, quickly washing off the soup and grabbing a towel.
"Why are you here, Alec? Haven't you embarrassed me enough already? " He inquired, glaring at the mirror.
"No, I think I could do it a little more." Alec deadpanned, watching as water dripped from Apollo. Alec leaned against a cabinet, folding his arms. "You done?"
"Yes, I'm done. Why'd you even follow me here? I'm capable of washing my face myself, and now I have to explain to my mom that I don't wet the bed...so, thanks. " Apollo spat out angrily, rubbing himself dry with the towel before finally facing Alec. Alec ignored his question.
"You can do that when I'm done with you," Alec laughed out what sounded like a suppressed scream, reaching for Apollo's collar. He raised the boy against the door, his fists holding onto the fabric of Apollo's shirt. "Listen, weasel, never do that again," Alec's head pulsed with rage, and he stared Apollo down with cold daggers before loosening his grip slightly. "God, do I hate you. Don't say anything about school ever again. One more fucking year, Apollo. One more year, and I'll never see you again." Apollo stared in fear, simply nodding slightly and staying quiet for a moment or two. But then he remembered what made him cross the line in the first place.
"If I say something, what then?" he said, chuckling nervously. He placed his hands on Alec's wrist, holding onto it. Apollo's pale skin appeared even paler against Alec's tanned skin. Alec sighed and dropped Apollo.
"You'll be six feet below, where you belong," he mumbled. "Tell your mom not to bring you guys over anymore." Alec gave Apollo a final glare. Apollo let go of Alec's wrists when he was released, taking a moment to fix his shirt.
"I will. I mean, it's not like I haven't begged to stay home already." He muttered, approaching the door and disappearing behind it.
Alec stayed in that bathroom until his mom called him, saying that the company had left, with his head against the door. When he'd seen Apollo's expression like that, frightened as he was pushed against the door, Alec realized the thing Alec hated most about Apollo: that he did not hate him, not completely, not with all of his heart. Apollo was just some dumb kid from school who came over for dinner occasionally. But that didn't matter to him at the moment. Apollo was practically dead to him now.

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