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     Apollo often wished to be invisible. He thought he was doing a fine job of it this year until he stepped inside the classroom. It was a new semester, and that meant new people to tease and belittle him.
     Clad in his classic, all-black, musty, sweatshirt-sweatpants combo, he sighed, sitting in a seat in the far back. He scanned the class quickly, praying that none of his immediate enemies would appear. Ironically, Apollo made direct eye contact with Alec. Apollo had managed to avoid Alec for months, and now they were placed in a class together. Apollo attempted to sink far enough into his chair to disappear.
     Alec forced another smile at the people in front of him as he listened to the group, silently begging them to leave so he could put his earbuds back in. He made a noncommittal promise to hang with someone later on as he scanned the classroom. He saw a familiar cloud of black hair sitting down in the back, and his insides screamed. "Oh, hell no." He muttered. Alec hadn't said a word to Apollo since that night, and he saw no reason to now. Alec watched Apollo fidget and try to cover his face. Alec scoffed and turned around.
     Apollo tried to focus on the class and pretend that Alec wasn't there. Most of all, he tried to pretend that Alec had no reason to be angry with him. He listened as the teacher assigned a project where you get paired with a person, learn about them, and then make a poster on what you learned.
     "What about you two, Apollo and Alec? You guys seem pretty different. " Apollo thought it was a horrible idea.
     Alec ran a hand down his face and stared behind himself at Apollo, who was pouting. Alec figured he could make it easier for both of them. "I already know him," Alec protested. "And I've smelt him on multiple occasions." Kids snickered across the class, and Alec remembered why he decided not to be an admirable person. As long as he wasn't being laughed at, there were no problems.
      Unfortunately for Alec, the teacher's eyes lit up. "Even better!" she exclaimed. "Mend the past, boys."
     "Mend my ass," Alec mumbled as he got up to move next to Apollo. His comment earned more giggles from his peers. Apollo avoided eye contact with Alec as he sat down, making the chair creak loudly.
     "Good job trying to get out of this. The teacher seems to love you now." Apollo whispered, pushing his hair out of his face.
     "Everyone loves me, shithead," Alec said, getting out a piece of paper so they could brainstorm facts about each other. Alec wrote "Asspollo" at the top and then his own name.
     "Wanna half-ass this? Or actually know me?" Alec thought he had made which option he preferred obvious and hoped Apollo wasn't feeling brave with him.
     "I'm sure we can half-ass this; it's not like it's a heavy project. We can finish this and stop talking to each other again, which I'd prefer. " Apollo sighed, wishing he had stayed home today. Then he wouldn't have been paired with Alec.
     Alec knew it was well deserved and the only logical reaction, but it almost hurt that Apollo didn't want to talk to him again after this. Then Alec stopped. He was the mad one. "Okay." He replied, drawing out the "O." He glanced at the prompts on the board and instantly gave up. He had no idea what to ask of Apollo. "The ball's in your court. Shoot. "
     "Well, let's start with the basics. Do you have any hobbies or something? " A chuckle erupted from Alec's throat.
     Alec quickly glanced toward Apollo, then gripped his pencil before writing something under the "Asspollo" column. "Two-dimensional." Alec chuckled to himself. He didn't look towards Apollo, only smiled at the paper. It was funny how something as dumb as his own jokes made him so happy. "I like poems." He eventually said, still not looking at Apollo.
     Apollo pretended not to see the Asspollo, but it did annoy him. "Poetry? Do you really like poems? I mean, you can comprehend them on an emotional level?" Apollo was genuinely surprised; he had been convinced that Alec was missing a brain altogether.
     Alec felt himself getting angry. "Why wouldn't I? And of course, I can; I have perfect marks in English classes." Alec turned fully in his seat to face Apollo. He grimaced at the familiar matted curls and kicked-puppy look that Apollo always wore.
     "I don't know- you didn't strike me as someone with any depth. You give me plenty of reason to think you're just another mindless sports dickhead." Apollo didn't make eye contact with Alec. Alec scoffed in response.
     "Like I said- or wrote, you're two-dimensional. Sports take intellectual ability," and Alec almost forgot where he was and who could hear him. "You think poems are simple?" He inquired, his voice a whisper. Apollo nodded slowly, not knowing if it was a safe move. Alec cracked a grin of disbelief. " I hate your stupid face. When I think of you, "Alec shoved a finger into his nose and wiggled it a bit. Then he pretended to wipe away whatever came out on Apollo's leg. "You remind me of a booger." Apollo pushed Alec's hand away, seeming to be unamused by his joke. His eyes narrowed as he finally turned towards Alec.
     "Why don't you write a poem about how much you hate me? Or about your nose-picking experience? " Apollo sighed heavily and checked the clock for the eighth time that class period. "Can't we focus? I really don't want to have to go to your house. Remember last time? Yeah, not fun. " Alec took his hand back, scowling.
     "You're not fun." His face then morphed into a wide grin, like he was trying not to laugh, and Apollo must've wondered if he was bipolar. "I was on a roll that night. A comedic legend. Let's do it again, Asspollo." Even if Alec didn't recognize it then, it was a genuine invitation, and he fully expected Apollo to cry and scream over it in declination.
     "God, you are crazy," Apollo muttered, listening as the bell rang. He wondered if Alec had forgotten what he'd said at that dinner. "Well, now I guess I have to come over. A win for me. " He stood up, gathering his things. Alec's face lit up, and he laughed.
     "That's what we're going for," Alec scribbled "crazy" under his own name and packed his bag quickly. "Wait, so you're coming over tonight?"
     "Yeah, if it'll kill me quicker." Apollo threw his backpack over his shoulder, adjusting it once on.
     "Alrighty," Alec said, glancing around to find someone to walk with. "See ya, fuckduck," Alec said, letting his shoulder knock into Apollo's as he passed. That might've been the lengthiest conversation he'd had with the boy in years, and Alec thought he might hate Apollo even more now, just for returning into his life. Apollo stumbled back a bit, clenching his jaw. He walked off after Alec, heading off to his next class.

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