(Don't) Leave Me Alone!

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He used to be full of anger. Of frustration and sadness. A sense of abandonment and failure that had finally pushed him to the brink, to feel the need to take his own life. But that time has passed.

Because after a week of feeling all these negative emotions, he finally felt nothing at all.

If someone had told him that he had only minutes to live, well fantastic just ditch his body in the river. Some crazy bastard is wishing for his death? Well, they had better get in line. The world was going to end? Well, what else is new?

He just didn't give a damn. And his entire being reflected that now.

His face never displayed a single emotion, just blankness. His eyes had dulled to near a gray now.

A soft tap on his hand made him blink and notice the gaze of the doctor. She gave him a smile before glancing down at his hand before getting up from her stool.

Dick looked down himself and stared blankly at his hand before flexing his fingers a few times.

Huh. So, they removed the stitches and wrapped the hand in soft gauze.

He hadn't even noticed.

Matter of fact, this whole day has been a daze to him. He woke up, was forced a protein shake, before he was whisked away to the hospital by Wally.

Speaking of which...

"Will they leave scars?"

Dick glanced up at Wally, an unreadable expression on his face.

'What does it matter?'

"It's possible sir, but if they do, they'll likely be very faint. Now, remember to keep the site clean and dry for the next couple of days. You can remove the gauze in about a week or so but you should change the dressings from time to time. And these..."

She picked up a small orange bottle from the counter.

Ah yes, he's being put on medication as well.

Dick had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

The doctor handed the bottle to Wally along with an information sheet on the medication.

"Two pills taken twice daily, one dose in the morning and the other in the evening. Preferably with food but..."

She spared a quick glance at Dick.

"Protein shakes should suffice. Do attempt juice though, he should not experience anymore hypoglycemic episodes if possible."


Dick sighed through his nose before taking the liberty of getting up and exiting the room, heading towards the parking lot. They were done anyway, and he didn't feel like staying for idle chitchat.

Wally quickly apologized, thanked the doctor, and hurriedly followed after Dick.

Wally quickly caught up to Dick and matched his stride, eyeing the man as they walked.

Dick's eyes were straight ahead but not entirely focused, his hands were buried in his pockets and his feet seemed to drag with every step.

Wally returned his gaze to right in front of him and quickly side-stepped near the automatic doors in order to let an elderly man with his wife in a wheelchair in.

Dick hardly seemed to notice and Wally had to grab him by the arm and yank him to the side, causing Dick to glare both at him and the elderly couple.

"Oh, pardon us young man! It's just a little difficult pushing this today..."

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