My Brothers

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Incidentally I had gotten inspiration for this while reading TMNT fanfiction... not necessarily inspiration for the plot so much as the angst. Apparently, people love torturing Leo just as much as I love torturing Dick. I understand completely, it's fun.



"Dick, this is Jason..."

Dick, or Nightwing as he was currently dressed, merely looked down at the boy dressed in a modified Robin suit with an indifferent look on his face. Yeah, well, he wasn't completely in the dark. This is just the first time he's met the boy face to face. Although he did have a good laugh when he learned just exactly how Bruce came upon him. Heh, who wouldn't?

Now, Dick could handle this a couple of ways. He could see it as him being replaced. Or maybe...

After a moment Dick slowly took his mask off and smiled down at the kid before reaching out a hand.

"Hey Jaybird!"

He could simply introduce himself to his new brother.

An eager and somewhat relieved smile broke out over the kid's face, and he quickly took Dick's hand in his own.


Huh, guess the second option's better.


Wally and Artemis looked down at their sleeping friend, wondering what to do.

He needs to get up soon, but this is one of the rare times he actually looks peaceful while he's asleep. Even has a little smile...

"I don't know Artemis, maybe we should--"

Wally's words were cut off as Dick started to become restless and an uneasy feeling quickly swept over the two.


Dick had just gotten to the Manor and made it down to the Batcave. He had come all the way from Bludhaven and while he was pretty tired, he couldn't even think of resting. Bruce and Jason should be home soon, and Dick had promised to take Jason to the fair. He couldn't wait.

He stepped from the elevator and quickly joined Alfred by the computer, greeting the older man with a cheery smile.

"Hey Alfred! What's--"

But his voice died when he saw Alfred's face.

He swallowed, his smile faltering before breaking all together.


Alfred stiffened before turning his head to stare at Dick, seemingly just noticing he was there.

"Alfred, what's going on?"

Dick's voice had started to shake when he noticed the tears threatening to spill over Alfred's eyes.

Alfred's mouth opened as if to say something but faltered before closing again.

Dick was about to open his mouth again before the Batmobile screeched into the cave.

For a moment nothing happened, and Dick could have sworn the temperature dropped about forty degrees. Jason usually jumps out immediately, especially if he knows his brother is coming.

Dick swallowed and took a hesitant step forward as the top of the Batmobile opened, allowing Bruce to jump out.

He stood still once more, his brain and his heart telling him different stories at once.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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