Second Chance

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Dick stared at the remains of his shattered phone near the opposite wall, tears flowing silently from his eyes. 

He sniffled once before fidgeting in his seat on the navy couch. His eyes flitted across his apartment, making once again sure that everything was done.

Rent? Paid.

Apartment? Cleaned.

Letters? Well... Dick had considered it but after some thought he realized he just didn't know what to say. After all, there was nothing he could possibly say to make what he did right. His actions that led to this... decision.

His belongings? Packed up neatly. The last of his stuff was with him. He wore his pajamas, tank and a pair of sweats, and he had a picture of himself and his parents facing him on the coffee table. And the knife, clenched tightly in his fingers. Bruce gave it to him on his sixteenth birthday...

Dick's lips cracked into a weak smile before it vanished quickly, a harsh sob racking his body.

That day was one of the best. Everyone from the team, and even the League, had showed up to celebrate with him. In the morning, Alfred had made an amazing breakfast and then he and Bruce had spent the whole afternoon playing basketball because Bruce, much to Dick's surprise and delight, had actually shut down Wayne Enterprises.

The whole day. Just for him. 

And then the party had started. Dick didn't think he had stopped smiling the whole time. And then, just before midnight, Bruce had given him the knife.

It really was beautiful. And custom-made, of course.

The handle was a shiny gold, the blade itself a sleek and shiny silver. And engraved on the handle, were two shiny letters in calligraphy style-- paying homage to both his family names.


Dick blinked down at the blade, struggling to comprehend that that day was just two years ago. He was so happy, so sure of himself. And now?

Well now, there was only one thing he was sure of. He had to go, it would be better for everyone this way. 

He narrowed his eyes, not allowing himself to back out this time, and raised his shaking hand that held the knife up to his opposite wrist.

'It's okay Dick, it'll be over soon... you know this is the right thing to do.'

But that didn't make the flow of tears stop.

He pressed down hard and slowly dragged the knife across his wrist, immediately drawing blood to the surface.

He hissed in pain but refused to look away as the blood rose and started dripping down his hand in small rivulets. 

It was deep and it hurt. But it was efficient.

'That's it, keep going!'

His eyes started to blink blearily as he raised the knife to slice his other wrist.

He pressed the blade down hard before stopping as loud bangs came from his front door.

He froze, his eyes widening even as his skin started to pale, making the flowing blood from his other wrist stand out more vividly.

Muffled shouts came from the other side before the door lurched forward and gave out under whatever weight was being forced upon it.

He flinched and closed his eyes tightly as the loud cracking sound hurt his already ringing ears.

He heard footsteps rushing him, causing his eyes to snap back open.

The last and yet most needed person he wanted, was staring right back at him in shock.

Dick blinked at him before instinctually gripping the knife tightly, causing a few beads of blood to rise.

Wally caught the motion and narrowed his eyes at him before lunging towards him, pressing Dick's back against the arm rest of the couch.


Wally wrestled the knife from his hand before throwing it across the room. He laid a hand on Dick's chest before leaning back on his heels.

Dick stared up at him, eyes wide and mouth agape before his own face hardened. His mouth became set in a thin line, his eyes narrowing. A rush of adrenaline coursed through him, allowing him to shrug off Wally's hand, sit up, clench his good hand in a fist and slug Wally across the face. 

The force caused Wally to be thrown against the other side of the couch but he quickly got up, stared at Dick with a stricken look, before speeding into the bathroom.

Dick stared after him, now slightly panting as his eyes gazed over to where the knife landed, his eyes becoming hooded. But before he could even try to get up, Wally returned with hand towels and a roll of gauze.

Dick glared at him and attempted to shove him off but Wally just gave him a sad look, pushed him down by the shoulder before quickly trying to wrap the deep wound on his left wrist. 

Neither said anything as Wally worked, but Dick's glare only grew as the adrenaline left him just as quickly as it had come. Giving a short grunt he weakly raised his leg to try and push him off once again but his strength was quickly failing him.

Wally only grimaced and had to tighten his hold on Dick's shoulder to keep from fighting him.

"Dick please-- I need to wrap these before you lose anymore blood!"

Dick's glare only intensified.

"Isn't that the whole i-idea?!"

Wally froze before glancing up at Dick's face, his own eyes starting to water.


Wally faltered, his mind racing back to what was said in the voicemail.

"Dick... I was angry but... I never wanted you to die! The last thing I-- Dick? Dick?!"

Dick's eyes were hooded to the point only tiny slits of blue were visible, his skin paling to the shade of snow.


Wally jumped to his feet and quickly noticed a landline phone sitting on the kitchen counter.

He grabbed the phone and quickly dialed 911 as he ran back to Dick's side, cradling his head in his one free arm.

"911, what's your--"

"I need an ambulance at Kane Apartments, apartment number B-04, I have a suicide attempt victim... no he sliced his wrists. Yes, he's still breathing but he's no longer responsive. Yes, the bleeding's stopped but I think he's lost too much!"

After being told help was on the way, he set the phone down on the coffee table and pulled Dick's torso up so that his head was now being cradled against Wally's shoulder. A small groan coming from his mouth was Wally's indication he was still with him.

A hand settled on Dick's good wrist, constantly checking his pulse. 

Wally started murmuring to him as his eyes finally closed, only his pulse reassuring Wally that he was still there.

Wally closed his eyes tightly, tears starting to slowly fall, and for a minute he almost imagined Dick as a thirteen year-old again, bloody and being cradled in his arms.

"Oh God, Dick... Please God..."

The sound of sirens approaching and shutting off caused Wally to open his eyes once more, just in time to see paramedics come rushing in.

Despite initial hesitance, he handed Dick over and robotically answered all questions directed to him before being instructed to follow them to the hospital as he would only get in their way in the ambulance.

He watched as they finally took him away on a stretcher, and strained his ears to hear the most important sound at the moment.

And to his relief, he heard the sirens blaring as the ambulance sped away.

Yeah, I literally just did this in less than an hour because there was no way I could wait until after work to write it.

Speaking of which, I gotta go!!

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