Chapter II - Tears

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Everything started on a sunny Monday morning. At first, I was completely convinced the day would be routine. Zach was predictably bored and quiet, lying on the sofa with a mild look of disapproval on his face that he seemed to direct at the world in general.

I glanced at him occasionally as I made hot cocoa in the kitchen. It was one of the few things that made Zach a morning person. As I continued with the cocoa, very few things ran through my mind when I tried to come up with something to do all day. I frowned. Having already checked the day's schedule, I knew that the guild wouldn't be any relief. I shook my head quickly.

After yesterday's somewhat awkward conversation with Asher, I didn't think Zach would be heading to the guild anytime soon. I finished making the hot cocoa; I sighed and made my way over to Zach. "Here you go." I said awkwardly. I placed the cocoa on the coffee table and took a seat on the recliner. I watched him as I held my own cup of cocoa in my hands, and he made no attempt to look at me or at the cup. I wondered if he was still upset about yesterday and decided to ask him about it.

"Are you alright? You haven't said a word to me all day and—I just..."

I tried to finish my sentence when all of a sudden Zach sat up and stretched his limbs. He yawned and looked to me with sleepy eyes. I sat there with my eyes wide, cup in hand. He didn't hear a word I just said.

"What time is it?" He asked. He sounded groggy and annoyed.

"It's about nine o'clock." I answered.

He didn't say anything and stood up. He passed by the cup of cocoa and headed straight into the kitchen. He rummaged through the fridge and tried to find something to eat. I continued to sit in the chair until I heard him call out to me, by then he was chewing on a piece of bread.

"You called?"

"I'm heading to the guild today. I don't want you going to the guild for a while." He lowered his head and his eyes.

"Are you still mad about yesterday?"

"No. Why?"

I shook my head, "I just thought that you didn't want me going to the guild, because of yesterday."

He scratched his head and that was when he looked at me, this time he was sincere and kind. "I want you to take it easy, that's all. You've been doing more work at the guild than me and I thought you might want some time off."

Zach headed for the door after patting my head. I fixed my hair and winced in annoyance. He was gone before I could turn around and I was left standing there wondering what to do next. The Sun was warm and bright and as the rays came in; I couldn't help but feel a sort of sadness come into my heart. There was a reason why Zach didn't want to go to the festival, and I wanted to know.

For the rest of the day, I did nothing but wonder around the whole house, doing what I would do any other day. I cleaned my room swept the house and made a batch of sugar cookies. As I did all this my mind couldn't help but retreat to the festival.

I wanted to see the fireworks, I wanted to taste the treats they would have, I wanted to play all sorts of games I never seen before and of course, I wanted to show Zach that it was okay to have fun.

The day was coming to an end and Zach still hadn't been home, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, before I headed off to sleep, and it was at that moment I had a wonderful idea. It wasn't until the following day I decided I would head over to the guild and ask Asher for a favor.

"Can you give me more jobs?"

Asher looked at me with a confused look as he stood standing on a ladder. He shook his head and climbed down the ladder; he wasn't too pleased with my request.

"Why do you want more jobs? I thought Zach told you to stay home?"

"Yes, well...I thought it would be better if I decided to do more jobs. Besides he said I could do whatever I wanted to do."

He smiled, "This wouldn't have anything to do with the festival, would it?"

I stumbled and mumbled my words together and I saw that the jig was up. He laughed loudly and I got flustered and angry. I furrowed by brows and puffed up my cheeks. "What is so funny!?"

"Nothing, really." I could still hear the traces of laughter in his voice. "I just find you two funny."

"Can you help me or not."

He raised his hand to his chin and scratched it for a while before he answered my question. If I didn't know any better, I could've sworn he was toying with me. He smiled and folded his arms across his chest, "Just what do I get in return? I mean, Zach will no doubt be furious if he finds out that I allowed you to work when he specifically said no. "

"But Asher!"

He lowered himself to my height and he was now one knee and gently placed his hand on my head. I flinched as I felt his gentle, but strong hand on my head. He was concern just like Zach was, but he showed his emotions, and he wasn't afraid to let others see them. "I know you want to go to the festival, but I can't allow you to go against the rules he set for you, if something were to happen to you, I don't think I could live with myself. Please and try to understand."

My eyes widen and I felt water erupting from within them. I didn't want to feel the sensation of crying, but I couldn't help it. They treated all the same and didn't allow me to do what I wanted. I started crying, but I frantically tried to wipe them away, but it was no use, they continue to come.

"Stop's not like you."

I looked up at him with swollen eyes and I sniff several times before I started to calm down. He pulled me into a hug, and I accepted the embrace. It was so long before I felt warmth, warmth that wanted nothing but the best for me. He was sincere in his words, but he meant what he said.

With his hand he wiped away the remaining tears that had fallen on my face and I slightly blushed at the gesture. He smiled and moved his hand from my face to my shoulder, "You really want to go to the festival?"

I nodded my head.

"Hmm...I see. Well, I guess I can't say no."

He stood up and scratched his head, "I have no idea what's going to happen, but I guess I can help you out. I'll allow you to go on guild missions, but they will have to be E rank only. Nothing more."

He turned around facing his back towards me, "I'll have to prepare myself in just in case."

He looked at me again, but this time he was happy, "Zach isn't the only one with a temper around here."

My heart fluttered with joy and I ran up to him, hugging him tightly I felt him hug me back. We both agreed not to say a word to anyone else and it would be our little secret. Every morning after Zach would leave the house, a messenger would stop by my house with a list of E rank missions from the guild and I would complete them before Zach would come home. I would then receive enough money to buy two tickets for the festival.

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