The Werewolf Best-friend |Prologue|

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 The Werewolf Best-Friend


Love is a relative term. You can love many things in many different ways. You can love a certain type of cereal, a Tv show, a stuffed animal, a photo from your childhood, there's really nothing a person can't love. But the most common thing a person loves is another person. It can be a family member or the love of your life, it doesn't matter because love isn't selective. We don't get to choose who we love even if we know the other person doesn't feel the same. And before you ask, yes I'm speaking from experience. I know what its like to be in love with a person that only sees you as their closest friend. Its heart wrenching to watch them with someone else but you deal with the pain because you'd rather have them as a friend than not at all.

When I first met him I thought I'd lost my mind. Never before has my heart raced the way it did when he looked me in the eye and smiled his lopsided smile that I love so much. I'd thought there was something wrong with me, even when the truth had been glaring me in the eye the entire time, I'd thought there was some way I could change the way I feel about him. But there isn't, there's no stopping love once it starts and ending it hurts like hell, but its necessary for me to do if I want to have a chance at true happiness.

My mate is out there somewhere and wasting my time here with a guy that never gives me a second glance when I dress up for him is doing me no good. The only problem, the question I've got is, how can I give someone else my heart when he already holds it as his own? I belong to him heart and soul, I don't know how to change it, I don't even think I want to, but I have to. Loving him has gotten me nowhere and I'm tired of waiting for him to see what is right in front of him, but I don't know how to say goodbye.

Being in love with my bestfriend is complete and utter torture, and I wouldn't change a thing.

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