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part two

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RENNA WAS ON THE GROUND. She was lying on her back, her elbows pushed into the dirt, as she tilted her head up to the starry sky in agony. She had hit her head harshly against the rough ground as soon as Kelce's hands had left her body, leading to a spinning mind as the people around her bolted in a fuss. She couldn't understand anything, until she heard his voice.

"Renna! Are you alright, darlin'?" Atticus asked whilst he worriedly jogged over to the girl on the ground, kneeling down beside her as he pushed her hair away from her forehead.

"Was that Kelce?" The girl spoke slowly, stunned by the usually passive boy's outburst.

"Yeah, it fucken was," JJ grunted as he shoved his hat on his messy hair.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Atticus mumbled as he stood up, holding out a hand for the blonde still dazed on the ground. She took it blindly before forcing herself to a stand, waiting a few seconds for her wits to slowly return before moving out from behind the fire with her friends.

Bumping shoulders with JJ and Atticus as they walked away from the blazing screen - Pope and Kiara striding in front of them - Renna and her friends tried to ignore the stares and glowers obnoxiously thrown in their direction. Out of pure instinct, Renna slipped her fingers in-between Atticus', linking their hands together as they gripped them tightly. Renna knew what was to come, because the Pogue v. Kook war was stepping out of line.

The following day, after spending a peaceful, somewhat relaxing night at her own house, Renna started walking towards Heyward's shop. With word from Kiara's quick text message, she knew that JJ, Pope and Atticus were also gathered there. Unfortunately, John B was still nowhere to be found, and as Blake had informed her before her departure, Rafe couldn't find Sarah anywhere either. The girl thought it was odd, but the two barely knew each other, so they couldn't be linked, right?

As she was walking along the side of the road, her shoes scuffing against the loose gravel and the odd pummels of grass growing through the cracks in the sidewalk, she heard sirens. Barely ever would she pay attention to them, but it was travelling in the direction of the shop - the very shop that housed four of her friends that could be in trouble with the police. Somehow, whether it was her gut feeling or her intuition, she knew the authorities were driving to Heyward's shop.

Before she knew it, she was running. It was silent, just the sound of her muffled breaths and her feet hitting the ground, until it wasn't. She could hear their voices. And then, after turning a corner, she could see them too.

"Just shut up, Pope!" JJ yelled, surrounded by officers from Figure Eight. "Just shut up."

Renna just stood there. Her mind wanted her to run, to help them, but she just stood there. It was pathetic, she was pathetic, but there was nothing she could do. No matter how much she tried, her feet were planted firmly to the ground.

𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒; outer banksWhere stories live. Discover now