|| Hawkins High. Monday, September 14th 1986. 3:38pm. ||

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Wills pov.
Will's first day hadn't gone too bad, aside from Blaine and language arts class which he had almost no skill in, not because he couldn't write but because he couldn't write his feelings and thoughts and that was the focus of the class.

He began to walk towards the door thinking about getting to tell Jonathan all about his first day and hearing all about Jonathan's.

A couple feet from the door someone grabbed his backpack and pulled him so forcefully he almost fell backwards. The person slammed him into the locker and he almost slipped. The boy looked like a younger Blaine if he had longer hair. "My brother says Steve was causing him trouble, cause of you" he growled, ah so that's why he looked like Blaine. "I didn't do anything to him and neither did Steve" Will said quietly, "you as good as" he said, then he turned to the few onlookers who seemed to care more about the drama than Will's well-being seeing as they were just standing there. "He looks gay to me, he look gay to you guys?" The boy asked the crowd, "you a queer?" He asked while pushing Will into the lockers again, "n-no" Will shook his head quickly "One think we don't do here, is lie" the boy glared before throwing a few punches at Will who could do nothing to defend himself.
Boys don't cry.

Boys don't cry was a dumb saying Lonnie had yelled at him many times before when Will cried, his mom and Jonathan told him to ignore it and it was okay for anyone to cry, but Will took it to heart, not because he believed it but because it helped him keep his emotions from spilling out.

"TROY" Will heard Mike yell, "wheeler. Come to enjoy the show?" "Let him go Troy"  "defending the queer Micheal? You like him or something?"  "No. Leave him alone Troy, don't make me find Steve. You know I have connections to him" these words made Troy back off, "sending a senior on a freshman? Childish of you" he glared "it's childish for you to be punching someone for no good reason" Mike said stepping between Will and Troy, "you've done nothing but make things worse Wheeler" Troy growled as he turned and left.

"You ok?" Mike asked suddenly turning extremely concerned eyes on Will, "I will be" Will shrugged "I wish there was something I could do about that asshole. Come on we should hurry or we'll miss the bus" Mike said turning to leave, Will tried to follow but winced at the pain, it wasn't like he wasn't used to pain he was just in shock.

Mike turned, "can you walk?" He asked "yeah. Hold on" Will shut his eyes for the first few steps but eventually was able to walk normally ignoring the pain.

"Thanks Mike" he said before they got on the bus "of course."

When they got on the bus Will walked down towards the back of the bus and away from Mike who went to sit with his friends.

"Will!" Will turned to see Mike running towards him, "hey Mike" he said looking up at the taller boy "hey. Are you sure you're ok?" He asked "I'm fine, thank you"  "good. Uh- you wanna hang out sometime?" He asked, "yeah, sure!" Will smiled "good! I mean- yeah good uhm... bye Will" Mike said stumbling over his words, "bye Mike."

Will smiled as he walked back to the house, even if it wasn't the best day, he now had a friend, and probably a few others but he didn't know if the others really liked him.

"Who was that?" Wills dad asked as he walked into the house, he was obviously quite drunk "who? Oh, that's Mike, our neighbor" Lonnie opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Jonathan "why don't you tell me a bit about him in my room, Will" he said grabbing Will's arm.

When they got to Jonathan's room he shut the door, "he had a bit of trouble at work, he's not in the best mood right now" he grimaced, "oh."

"So how was your first day?" Jonathan asked while sitting down next to Will on the bed, "that's an interesting question"
"Oh no, what happened?"   "Well, to start off some guy named Blaine came into the freshman hallway just to make himself clear that he runs the school and if I try anything he'll make my life hell, he pushed me a couple times. But then this guy Steve came and helped me out" Will started, Jonathan raised his eyebrows a bit when he heard the name Steve. "Then I met my science teacher and he's really nice, I think I'm actually going
To enjoy the class this year. Then at lunch our neighbor, Mike invited me to sit with his friends, they said it was social suicide to sit with them but they're actually really cool! The rest of the day was okay, nothing really happened. But at the end when I was leaving..." Will stopped, Jonathan just then noticed the bruises on Will's arms, "these weren't here this morning... what happened Will?" He asked while grabbing Will's arm reassuringly. "Blaine's little brother, Troy, caught up with me and he- he hit me... a lot, and pushed me into the lockers... but then Mike came! He got Troy to back off and he made sure I was okay. And he invited me to hang out sometime!" Will smiled at the thought of Mike. What's wrong with me? Will Internally rolled his eyes then he realized Jonathan was speaking. "-I'm sorry Will that sounds pretty bad, it looks pretty bad" he leaned over and hugged Will tightly.

"How was your day though?" Will asked "pretty uneventful, classes are all boring as I expected. I met Steve by the way, he's really nice. I also met this girl named Nancy who was friends with Steve... I think... their dynamic is extremely hard to figure out" Jonathan grinned, Will chuckled "Nancy's Mike's sister, don't you remember her from unpacking the boxes?" he asked "don't tell mom but I was high out of my mind that day" they both laughed.

They heard the front door open, "moms home!" Will smiled. They got up and ran downstairs, "mom!" Jonathan exclaimed "hi boys!" She smiled and came to hug them.


1 or 2 more parts soon!!

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