...What life story...

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UA staff group chat:

FairyCinnamonRoll: I am really sorry for putting you all up for this.

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: It's fine.

FairyCinnamonRoll: I finally understand that what I've been told was always a lie.

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: What were you told my boy?

FairyCinnamonRoll: That I was useless and worthless just a waste of space and an abomination of nature.

FnafButREAL: But you aren't!

FairyCinnamonRoll: I came to realize that after the talk with Nezu. Tho all my life I just heard that.

NightNotForChildren: Why was Bakugo doing all this to you?

FairyCinnamonRoll: People always told him how good and special he was. No one ever corrected his behavior and they always told me how useless I was. Guess he wanted to show me how harsh the reality was.

InsomniaCat: Were there any other quirkless people in your school?

FairyCinnamonRoll: I was the only one. As far as I know, I was always the only one without a quirk.

BetterThanBanshee: And what about Bakugo's mother??

FairyCinnamonRoll: They thought he was playing rough with me. You see we were close friends and did everything together when we were little.

FairyCinnamonRoll: We were almost like brothers but he changed the moment I got diagnosed as quirkless....

BetterThanBanshee: WHAT!?!

FairyCinnamonRoll: Yeah... We actually grew up together and shared soo many things. My mom and his are best friends.

ModernCowboy: Is that why you always call him "Kacchan"?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Yeah, that's from a time when I couldn't pronounce his whole name and he somehow misread mine as Deku which was an inside between us but the meaning behind the nickname changed over time.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Deku as in Useless

FairyCinnamonRoll: Well till now it has the same meaning. Uraraka somehow came up with Dekiru which again isn't the same.

ModernCowboy:And his parents didn't give a shit about this?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Neither did my mom. She found it cute since she knew the inside joke.

BetterThanAVamp: ... Did he ever use his quirk on you?

FairyCinnamonRoll: I hate to say this but yes. More than once and not only him.

FairyCinnamonRoll: You see.... I was known as the punching bag in Aldera. Everyone used me and I became so familiar with this feeling.

FairyCinnamonRoll: @BetterThanBanshee you saw me on such a day. Not all injuries I had the day I came to deliver the coffee you wrongly ordered were self inflicted.

BetterThanBanshee: ...Why did you even bother to bring the coffee?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Guess, I felt needed for the first time in my life. So I thought I might as well make another person's day with the note you gave me over the phone.

SpaghettiCook: Just know you are needed

FairyCinnamonRoll: I... It's still a bit hard to get it but... I guess so. I've seen to what extend you all are willing to go. I promised myself not to do it as long as someone was willing to really really take me as who I am. I thought you were all trying to help me because it is your job but that small talk with Nezu opened my eyes.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Thank you for that.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: No problem. What about your teachers?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Participated in it and bullied me. Even the principal knew about it. They never did a thing and only punished me more. So I always thought it was my fault.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: What school was this?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Aldera Junior High. Why?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: No reason.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Nezu, I know you are a chimera and I am aware of your blackmail materials as well as your powers. Now tell me why. I am not dumb.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: To fix the school.

FairyCinnamonRoll: It's not fixable. Besides the people there don't know it better. You think any other school is better? Let's face it! Quirkless people are a dying race. People don't know how to handle them anymore and we became the abnormality.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Oh but you do not know what i could do.

FairyCinnamonRoll: I do. However it is useless to know that only one school changes. Do you think your school UA is any better?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: If I did I would be lying to myself.

FairyCinnamonRoll: So why not try to fix your own school first before going to other school systems. Don't you think that is only fair?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Fair enough. But why not do both at once?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Because the backlash will be great. You can't change the world's opinion overnight. You have to do it bit by bit. Or do you think people like me who got the attention and help will stop all of the sudden. You saw my reaction yourself. You witnessed what I was willing to do just because I thought it was fake just played.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: You are right. Would you like to help me fix the world?

FairyCinnamonRoll: I would love to see it happen. Tho I want to help doing this.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Help doing what?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Change it. I want to be a hero for that reason. I always wanted to be one. Tho I had troubles accepting myself as a being, my dream never once shattered.

UPS! I did it again! (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now