...What chicken flavour...

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UA staff group chat:

FairyCinnamonRoll: Okay who saved me this time?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: A friend.

FairyCinnamonRoll: So that chicken.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Possible.

FairyCinnamonRoll: DAMN IT! If only that tasty chicken wouldn't be there!

BetterThanAVamp: Did you just call him "Tasty"?

FairyCinnamonRoll: I did because he smells literally like KFC and that shit is delicious.

SpaghettiCook: Do you want me to get you some?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Yes please! Can you get me a bucket with spicey chicken?

InsomniaCat: I'll get it... If Lunch rush goes he'd try something on the restaurant.

FairyCinnamonRoll: He would what?

InsomniaCat: Probably try and take it over. Or maybe burn it down.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Why would he do that?

FairyCinnamonRoll: I thought he loves food.

InsomniaCat: Competition.

FairyCinnamonRoll: He doesn't have a restaurant... how does this make any sense?

InsomniaCat: He used to run one before KFC bought it... He hates the company for that.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Ohh...... but why would he offer to get me some then?

InsomniaCat: As a excuse to burn it.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Can I help out while it burns? I can handle the benzine canister.

InsomniaCat: Nope.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Why?

InsomniaCat: No body Is burning anything.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Why!

InsomniaCat: Because its not safe.

FairyCinnamonRoll: Why !

InsomniaCat: Are you gonna keep saying why to everything I say?

FairyCinnamonRoll: Why not?

InsomniaCat: Its annoying...

FairyCinnamonRoll: Good, throw off a roof or a window then.

InsomniaCat: I have the chicken.

FairyCinnamonRoll went offline

BetterThanBanshee: Sho record his reaction! NOW!

InsomniaCat: Who said I wasn't already...

BetterThanBanshee: How is his reaction?

NightNotForChildren: I wanna know too!

InsomniaCat: ... Funny as shit...Pff

InsomniaCat: He is diving into it and I think the bucket stands no chance.

MotherOfUA: He's also crying.

FairyCinnamonRoll went online

FairyCinnamonRoll: Okay who the hell did this?!

SpaghettiCook: CAN YOU TASTE!?

FairyCinnamonRoll: YES BUT WHY?!

SpaghettiCook: YES!

SpaghettiCook: I gave you a chemical to fix your taste...

FairyCinnamonRoll: WHEN?!

FairyCinnamonRoll: You know what, I don't care. I can have this chicken again. Now excuse me.

FairyCinnamonRoll went offline

ChuckyCheeseDemon: What chemical did you use?

FairyCinnamonRoll went online

FairyCinnamonRoll: Forgot to say thank you!

FairyCinnamonRoll went offline

SpaghettiCook: Your welcome!

SpaghettiCook: A combination of... Well I'll just send you the compound.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: I see. Very interesting. However I hope you also realize that this makes his taste buds be sensitive to every taste.

SpaghettiCook: He will have to be careful with some foods then..

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Spicey?

SpaghettiCook: Everything. Spicy, Sour, Sweet, everything inbetween.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: I hope you do realize he is eating spicy chicken right now.

SpaghettiCook: @MotherOfUA

SpaghettiCook: Ahm... I hope you have milk there...

NightNotForChildren: I had to rush over and no, you can't get the bucket off him. He literally is crying and refuses to give it to us or accept the mil, Sho brought over hastily.

SpaghettiCook: Jesus... Do I need to make another compound that wont do this?

NightNotForChildren: He is enjoying it tho.

SpaghettiCook: Then I guess not. But tell him to be careful!

NightNotForChildren: We did.

UPS! I did it again! (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now