...What problem now...

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UA staff group chat:

ETButBetter: Houston we have a problem.....

MinecraftLookalike: What problem?

ETButBetter: Aizawa! I hope you are online.

InsomniaCat: I am...

ETButBetter: Good! Ahm I am outside in front of your class dorms and Mirodoriya is on the roof. The rooftop is locked. I tried and I don't want to scare him just busting in.

InsomniaCat: I am coming...*sigh*

ETButBetter: I am down here with Ectoplasm for now in case he jumps so we can catch him.

InsomniaCat: Should I capture him or just wait...

ETButBetter: He is your student. I don't want to scare him.

InsomniaCat: Fine i'll wait.

ETButBetter: AIZAWA!!!!!

ETButBetter went offline

InsomniaCat: What the shit just happened...

BetterThanAVamp: He jumped and they caught him luckily in time.

BetterThanAVamp: GOD this gave me a heart attack.

InsomniaCat: I am here now.

BetterThanAVamp: Yeah... we already went to RG. He is unconscious now. You are a bit too late.

BetterThanAVamp: We are keeping an eye on him for now.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: It seems he checked his phone before he decided to jump because the last message he saw was yours Aizawa with the sighing.

InsomniaCat: What now?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: You may take a so called re-read.

InsomniaCat: ...

MotherOfUA: It can be said only out of luck that you guys found him. Why were you even around there?

TheRealCloneTrooper: I was looking for something when I saw him up there.

MotherOfUA: Good thing you did. Without all the clones you made, he would be dead by now. Luckily nothing happened to him at all.

TheRealCloneTrooper: Good. What do we do with him now since RG has him?

MotherOfUA: That is a good question. Perhaps we should get him back home if he doesn't have home problems?

InsomniaCat: DO you want me to check?

MotherOfUA: And leave UA? You know as well as all the other ones in here, without me and Nezu Ua wouldn't be running but would be a ruin by now.

InsomniaCat: Probably..

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: I know his mother if that makes it better? She is a fine woman.

InsomniaCat: People can still have two sides.

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: I don't know. I've been invited over a view times. There was noo sign for any physical harm or mental mistreatment at all. There were a lot of pictures from Izuku hanging up the wall and all I can say, it feels like a loving home.

InsomniaCat: Well for all I know Bakugo isn't doing much... So what else could be happening?

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: At least I know more about Bakugo.

InsomniaCat: How would you know more about my student?

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: My boy told me about a couple of events. For example, the last thing before they got into UA, Bakugo told him to take a swan dive off the roof.

InsomniaCat: And didn't he just do that?

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: Very true but who says Bakugo isn't suicide baiting him in UA too?!

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: I am just worried about him.

BetterThanAVamp: So its Bakugo doing this?

MinecraftLookalike: Could be.

ModernCowboy: So do we expel Bakugo?

HandyMandyWannabe: What if he is innocent tho?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Lets not expel anyone just yet...

ChuckyCheeseDemon: I will do a background check on his Mother and Mr.Bakugo

HandyMandyWannabe: But what we do with Midoriya now?

InsomniaCat: I say we separate the two for now.

NightNotForChildren: Ahm guys, not wanna ruin this but won't he be backrading what we were talking?

InsomniaCat: ...

InsomniaCat: Lets delete this conversation...

NightNotForChildren: Sho we are not admin and we can't even do that.

InsomniaCat: ... Nezu could you?

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Of course.

ChuckyCheeseDemon has deleted some messages

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