Chapter 13: Prelude to the Battle of Extracting Essence

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There was a small and ordinary looking clinic with a pharmacy nearby. Together, they added up to around fifty square meters. The doctors and other staff inside were yawning leisurely when suddenly, several came roaring by, one after another. A group of plainclothes officers mixed with uniformed officers charged inside, and flashed their police badge before rushing inside.

The apprentice sitting behind the chinese medicine counter opened his eyes wide and quickly pushed the little button underneath the counter stealthily.

In the underground basement, everyone there was already thrown into a confused frenzy.

Scarface Hong and his brothers were rapidly clearing up their things and preparing to evacuate when they heard the alarm. He reached out and firmly smacked the head of the younger brother nearby. "I knew it! It was stupid of me to entrust these things to you! Letting you act on your own!"

The youngest brother looked anxiously at Lian Xin who was crouching in the corner. He took out his gun and said, "Boss, maybe we should kill her so she won't talk nonsense..."

Scarface Hong kicked him away. "Did you fucking grow up eating shit?! The police are here for her. The dead can't speak, but if she dies, we'll become a major criminal case! Idiot! Hurry up and get lost!"

Lian Xin curled up in a corner and became the only motionless person in that chaotic scene, seemingly forgotten. Everyone was running, including the dozen girls who had been part of the russian roulette. Although they were a little shaky, they still remembered to take advantage of the chaos and grab the pills and powdered drugs lying around on the sofa and table.

Lian Xin picked up an abandoned coat from the floor and covered her body with it.

"Police! Don't move! Squat down! Hands up!"


"Freeze! Don't move!"

The scene was one of turmoil, with a chaos of overlapping noises.

In the midst of the cacophony of screaming and fighting, two long legs strode towards Lian Xin and squatted down before her.

She raised her head and caught sight of Qi Yue's dashing figure.

「Target male meeting the requirements of the third level of fragrance solution has been discovered. Requesting the host to spray the target with the second grade perfume and extract the target's sexual fluids. The body fluid synthesis must be achieved by no less than 30 minutes of sexual intercourse so that the system can extract the fluid successfully.」

「Congratulations to the host.」

"Him? How come you didn't tell me that he was a target before?"

「The system cannot identify the next target before the prior task is completed. Perfume production has a rigorous procedure and formula, and what's more, we must create a first rate product that can influence emotions...」

Lian Xin was not in the mood to listen to what the system was saying. She cautiously grasped the corner of Qi Yue's coat and looked at him, her eyes shining with trust and dependence for him.

Qi Yue glanced at Lian Xin's bare thighs and turned away. His expression was extraordinarily ugly.

A moment later, he took off his coat and wrapped it around her waist. He gripped her shoulders and said solemnly, "I'm sorry."

If he hadn't implicated her, she wouldn't have had to face this sort of affair. For any girl, this sort of injury would last for a lifetime.

Although Lian Xin could not understand why he felt so sorry since she felt that he had arrived very quickly, she still adjusted to the mood and pursed her lips as she lowered her head, appearing injured.

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