Chapter 3: Big Clown On Campus

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A/N: This is my first fic on this site and I started writing this as something of a distraction from the choking grasp of reality, so it garnering more than a thousand reads in such a short amount of time is something I never expected. However, that doesn't mean I'm not both pleased and honored, as your continued readership fuels my drive to write more and better in order to satisfy the readers who decided to give my low-tier Male OC book the time of day.

You are all wonderful people. Now please, enjoy the story and have a good one.


"Odd...he has never been this late before." 

Le Fay ponders to herself, repetitively tapping her fingers on the table while her other hand lazily twirls her fork around as she stares down on the plate of classic English breakfast of her own making. It is a rare thing to see a cook not enjoying her own food.

Though, in this case, it isn't so much not enjoying as is waiting for a friend. Specifically, a martial artist clad in blue by the name of Ed.

Ever since their first meeting upon his induction into Vali Team, Ed is always the first to wake up in the morning and the first person to greet her on the start of each day. Even though she prides herself as something of an early bird given her job of making breakfast for everyone else, by the time she emerges from her room, Ed has already sat at the table after completing his daily self-imposed 50-kilometer run.

Of course, Le Fay, being the kind soul that she is, was the first other than Kuroka to strike a conversation with Ed. Her friendliness had instant chemistry with his exuberance, and the two hit it off and had become fast friends ever since.

Which is why Ed not being here at the table despite everyone else already has feels incredibly out of place for her. 

"Sister? Is there something troubling you greatly?" Arthur was taking short sips of his black tea when he notices the bothered look on the blonde witch's face, which has his big brother instincts fired up to an even greater degree than usual. Considering how protective he is of Le Fay normally, that is saying something.

Le Fay glances at her brother and gives him a demure smile, setting her fork down. "Oh, it's nothing worthy of such concern, dear brother. I am simply thinking about my friend Sakari, that's all. He is a bit late to breakfast than usual..." She trails off, fairly sure that Arthur could guess as to what is gnawing away at her. The swordsman's eyes narrowed in thought before they return to their original width as he realizes what the problem is.

"Ah. Well sister, if it is so burdensome a thought, then why don't you check on him?" Suggested Arthur, which quickly earns him a flustered look from his younger sibling.

"W-What?! But isn't it unladylike to enter the room of a man not your betrothed unless explicit permission is given?" Le Fay stammers, unable to hide her reddening cheeks as she feel her ears burning up. "At least that is what I was taught..."

"Yes, that is true. But as your older brother and therefore the one with more authority, you have my permission to enter his room. I trust Ed not to try anything salacious with you." Arthur serenely replies to her, taking another sip from his tea. "If nothing else, he has the heart and soul of a gentleman, even if he can be rather unnecessarily vocal about it."

Seeing that his sister is still somewhat pensive about the idea, Arthur places his teacup down and scoots his chair closer to Le Fay before resting a hand on her shoulder, smiling supportively all the while. "Le Fay, go. He is your friend, is he not? To be concerned for a friend is a noble act, and I applaud you for it."

Le Fay say nothing in return, but her shoulders slackening is a clear enough answer for her brother. Performing a couple of deep breaths, the Pendragon daughter finally musters up the courage to stand up and walk to the front of Ed's bedroom.

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