Ch 3. A Monster Or Not?

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Izuku woke up the next day, feeling much lighter then he had since this whole incident started and he let out a laugh. Earning Shiro's attention, the Villain coming over and picking him up out of the crib and smiling as they carried him to the kitchen. His eyes widened at the beautiful breakfast on the table, wondering why the Villain that despised the One For All users would go so far for him...the Ninth user.

"Dada?" Izuku asked and Shiro turned towards him, giving a curious look." Do you wuv me?"

He wanted to know if the man was doing this out of the goodness of their heart, or cause they wanted to use him. He figured it would be the second one, but found himself staring as the Villain seemed to contemplate the question seriously.

"Um, I care about you a lot, Izuku." Shiro stated, looking uncomfortable and that alone was enough for Izuku to know that the man was being genuine.

It was clear they cared about him, but that was the first step right? Once they loved him, he could manipulate them into stopping their path. It wouldn't be easy though and he'd definitely have to make it appear to them as if it were their own idea. However, he knew the power parental love gave a person, knew the power a child held over their parent.

Normally he'd never abuse that kind of power, but this time it was necessary. Perhaps he could end this without the bloodshed, it was a naive hope. However if that plan failed, he could always kill the man once he got out of this situation he was in. Whether it be that he grows naturally or the Quirk wears off.

"Ok Dada." Izuku chirped happily, turning back towards his breakfast and he heard noted Shiro was just standing their still looking at him. He felt the One For All users presence in his mind since he woke up, but for the first time he poked at it.

'I haven't seen him like this since long before the Vault.' Yoichi murmured, sounding vulnerable and Izuku felt bad for making the First user sad.

'Don't be sad, Uncle Yoichi.' Izuku replied softly, earning a feeling of surprise from the First user and the others.' Why are you so surprised, I call you those titles because that's how I see you...regardless of whether or not I am a baby.'

'T-Thank you...Izuku.' Yoichi said, a feeling of pride, love, and gratitude coming from the First One For All user.

He focused back into the real world, noting that Shiro was cleaning the kitchen and he wondered what the feeling in his heart was for the man. It wasn't hatred, but not love or anything...perhaps fondness? However, why would he feel fondness for the man that was keeping him from his friends and mother?

Izuku blinked when he realized something, he wasn't being kept away. At no point had Shiro actually forced him to stay here, he just took care of him. Shiro read stories to him both nights he'd been here, he could hear them when he fell asleep.

What monster made him breakfast, read him bedtime stories, or panic over what to feed him the first morning he woke up here? What monster let him play games with their adopted son, admitted to caring about him, or constantly looked over towards him in concern. There was one thing that was clear, this wasn't the same man All Might nearly died too.

Something had happened in the past six years since that fight, that had changed the man that was cleaning the kitchen right now. He just wished he knew what it was, cause how can he succeed in his self-imposed mission...if he didn't know what to expect?

"Izuku, do you want to go to the park today?" Shiro asked and Izuku blinked, they were letting him outside. Where he could scream for help, that didn't seem smart...even if they thought he was a normal kid.

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