Pups and Escape

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Bold and italic = mind link, whisper

Italic = Thoughts, Conversation with wolf

Here is another chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy!!!
*sorry for the mistakes*

4 Months Later

Mira has been living in the cell with Lena for four months now. Her belly has grown since then. Lena has been taking care of her. They have been getting food, which is not enough for three people. Lena gives her proportion to Mira since she needs more, but Mira also refuses. Mira got to meet Lena's four-year-old son. He is very smart for his age, he understood what was happening to his mom.

"Do you think we will ever get out of here?" Mira ask Lena as she checks her conditions before Chad comes. He comes every month for the progress of the pregnancy. This month he coming to see how many pups Mira is having. During the fourth of pregnancy, they are able to determine how many pups an omega is having. 

"I don't know, but we need to get out before he gets his hands on your baby or babies because once he does you want to be able to see them and the wolf world will be in danger," Lena answered as she finished up. Mira nodded.

"Looks like you are having four pups," Lena told Mira. Mira was happy but sad that she didn't get to share this moment with her mate. Her happiness was ruined by the smell of Chad. They looked up when the guard was opening the gate for Chad. He walked in.

"How many pups is she having?"

"Four" Lena answered

"Wonderful, I would have four powerful heirs to help me conquer the wold world," Chad said darkly, "continue to monitor to make sure they are in good health." After that, he left. They will be if you gave us more food Lena thought.

"This is not good, having four powerful pups in his hands. We really need to find a way out of here" Lena said scared. Mira agreed with her.

~Timeskip to Birth of pups~

Mira has been having contractions since the morning. Lena told her she may be giving birth today instead of tomorrow. Lena told the guard to get the materials she would need once Mira started having contractions. Mira has been laying on the bed in her wolf form, she has been in her wolf form for a week. Omega gives birth in their wolf form, it is easier that way and the pups will be in their wolf form for a year. Chad wanted to stay in the cell until she gave birth, but Lena told him is not a good idea since the smell of other alphas that is not her mate will overwhelm her. He left in anger and told the guard to mind link when it is done. After a few hours, Mira began giving birth. Lena takes each pup and wraps them in a towel. Once they all were out, she place them next to Mira. Mira licks each of them, wiping them clean. Then, Mira started growling at the cell entrance. Lena looked at the entrance to see that Chad came back. Mira stood up on her weak legs and stood in front of her pups to protect them as Chad step inside the cell. He growl at her to make her submit as he moves closer. He wanted to take the pups. Mira was having a hard time standing up to him since he is an alpha, but she is not going to back down. Lena decided to Intervene.

"Sir, pups need to be with their mother for a week for that nourishment and safety. You should know" Lena told him. Chad knew this from his mother, so he decided to back off.

"I will be back" he said and walked out. Once Mira couldn't smelt his scent anymore, she dropped. Lena helped her. She brought her pups close to her.

"The pups are safe for now" Lena said as she caressed one of them.

Somewhere in the packhouse

The Luna of the pack, Chad's mother, was in the kitchen with a potion that she had Lena made serectly. She poured the potion in the drink jars. She then ordered the omegas to pour the drinks in the cups and take it out to the party. She take two extras and set them on the counter. She went out to the yard, where the party is happening to see her son giving a speech.

"I have four heirs. Pretty soon, we will conquer the wolf world. Cheers to us" Chad said as he raised his cup. Everyone following suit. They all took a drink. The potion won't take effect right away. Once she saw that, they took a drink. She went back inside and took that extra cups and made her way to the room Lena's son is being kept in. She went up to the guard, who greeted her.

"Hello, Luna, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Well, it not fair for you to be here while everybody else celebrate, so I brought you a drink"

"Thank you, Luna" he said and took the drink and drunk it. Then, she went to the basement where Mira and Lena are being held. She did the same to the guard there. Mira and Lena watched her.

"Congratulations" she said to Mira and went back to get Lena's son. She got the keys from the unconscious guard and opened the door. She saw Luke, playing with his toys. He stopped playing when he heard the door open.

"Do you want to go see your mom?" She asked. He nodded.

"Okay, let's go then"

He dropped the toys and made his way towards her. She picked him up and quickly made her way back to the basement. She gently set Luke on the ground as she went to get the keys to from the fallen guard.

"Luke" Lena said as she made her way to the door, "what is going on Luna?" The Luna opened the door and Luke ran to his mother who hugged.

"You guys need to get out of here. I drugged them with the potion I had you made. They will be out for the night." The Luna explained.

"Why?" Lena asked

"Because I don't agree with what my son is doing. I don't even know if he should be called my son after I find out that he killed my mate, his own father. I will lead to the escape tunnel. You need to get as far away from here as possible." She answered as Mira grabbed two of her pups in her mouth while Lena grabbed the other two. They followed the Luna to the tunnel.

"You should come with us. You won't be safe once they find out what you did." Lena said.

"No, it is my time with my mate in the afterlife anyways. I don't want my son to get his hands on these pups. Go you have a lot of grounds to cover"

"Thank you" Lena said as she made her way into the tunnel with the pups and her son. Mira looked at the Luna and bowed her head a little.

"You're welcome, promise me to keep those pups safe and don't let them get in the wrong hands" the Luna said as Mira lifted her head up, "go now." Mira went into the tunnel with her other pups. The Luna broke the lever that opened the escape tunnel even though no one knew about it since it was inside her bedroom. She moved her big dresser in front of it to block it. She looked at the picture of her mate and smiled.

"I will be joining you soon" she said and made her way to help the omegas clean up the mess from the party.

End of Chap.
Until next time, see you!!
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