Cherry Blossoms

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Seven years ago

Owol (may)


Akela PoV, Age nine:

It was very bright that day, with the cherry trees sifting the warm light through pale petals.

Aang and Kamaya played with toys in the grass a little ways away as a girl called Gamon, who I called Gama, made flower crowns. We sat outside a closed conference room, on a rough orange woolen blanket, minding our own affairs. I stared hopelessly at the fourteen-year-old who wove cherry sprigs and Ravva's fern into her fourth crown. I groaned in frustration, flopping back to stare at the sky. "Gama, that looks so impossible."

The older girl smiled at me and held out a hand. I grasped it and she pulled me up.

"Nothings impossible, dear princess. You just have to learn to ask for help." and she took up another handful of creamy blossoms and glossy green leaves. But this time, she plopped them down in my lap, taking another for herself, and proceeding to show me just how to do it. In the end, I produced a perfect crown. I stood up on my knees and placed the flower crown atop the big girl's head "and now your princess, just like me!"

Gamon laughed a little, smiling at me. I heard small feet pattering their way toward me, and I turned to see Aang at my shoulder, eyebrows drawn together in concern, Kamaya not far behind. I take his hands and smile up into his face. "what is it?"

He pointed to one of the trees, saying "someone is crying back there."

I frown and looked in the direction he gestured to. When I focused, I could indeed hear someone sniffling in the bushes.

"I'll shoo whoever it is away," said Gamon resignedly, standing and brushing off her skirts. I shot her an incredulous look.

"No!" I cried, standing in her way. She looked down at me, shock written all over her face.

Gamon PoV:

This was a first. I was used to bowing to the council members, doing as they said, and generally being subservient. but this time, when I tried to do as I thought she wanted me to, she stopped me. I stared at the stubborn little girl, eyes wide. I tilted my head, confused. "Huh?"
"He's sad! Why would we go be mean to him if he sad?!"
She looked mortified. I smiled, bending down to her level. "Alright, I'm sorry. How about this, do you want to go talk to him? Make him feel better?" The little girl looked at me seriously for a moment, before nodding. She turned her back to me and trotted to the bushes. I sat down, and the little ones sat with me, the shade of the secure-off building over us. This was going to be interesting to see. She was a unique girl.

Akela POV:

I pushed my way through the bushes and searched for the noise. I came to the base of a tree, Where a young boy with a head of dark curls sat curled into the roots. He had his face buried in his knees, his arms wrapped around his legs. His body was shaking with sobs. I frowned a little, walking to him.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
That startled the little boy. He jerked his head up and gazed at me with red eyes. He didn't seem to recognize me, which was a first. And, not entirely unpleasant. He shook his head at me.
"Come on, you can tell me about it."
He sniffed a little, then glanced at his hands.
"You promise you won't make fun of me?" He said, frowning ever so slightly.
I shot up, surprised. "What? No! I would never!"
He shrunk back a little at my outburst.
I softened at his reaction. He was upset and probably not in a good head space right now, either.
"Sorry." I murmured, "but it's okay, I won't be mean or even tell anyone. Just, talk. Alright?"
He stared at me analytically for a moment before glancing at his knees.
"I was just thinking about my parents. The monks said that they died shortly after they brought me here. I just-". He cut himself off with a sigh. "I just wish I knew them. I wish I could have known them, as the princess does."
I frowned a little, rubbing my neck. I didn't know how to help him. I had never experienced this. My parents were still here, and I had never had any reason to miss them.
I turned and plopped down next to him.
He looked at me for a moment before turning back to gaze at his knees.
I sigh, tilting my head back against the tree.
"I have a question; why would they tease you about this?"I asked, eyes not leaving the frothy blossoms above our heads.
"Oh, well, appears the other kids have given up on their parents even loving them."
I frowned, turning my head to stare at the boy beside me.
"That's awful, don't ever give up."
"Yeah, I know."

There was a long moment of comfortable silence before I asked,
"What's it like to miss your parents?"
The boy laid a confused stare on me.
"Um... don't you miss yours?"
I shrugged, "there's never been a reason to." And I faced him then, a smile spread acro. "By the way, my name is Princess Akela. And your's?"
He sat there for a moment, mouth wide open, before shaking his head, and stuttering "um...m-my na-name?"
He blinked "well, it's, uh, it's Kai. B-but, you're the princess?"
"Yeah." I smiled. "I don't know what to do about your problem, and I don't think you want my parents," he gave me an odd look, "but I can be your friend."

He smiled a little, rubbing his eyes again. "okay."

I took his hand and led him out of the bushes. He stumbled a little, a grin spreading over his face, dimples pressing into his cheeks. this was the start of a great adventure.

(time skip)

We were talking on our blanket when there was the sound of arguing, and the conference room doors flung open.

"Honey, you can't just declare war on anyone you don't like!" cried a brunette woman, a distraught expression on her usually serene face.

"I don't see why not, Darling!" a dark-skinned man replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. "it's not like we're the weakest nation or anything! Gee, that sure would be embarrassing!"

"Synar, is that really what you think? That just because we're passivists, we're weak? We're self-controlled! there's a difference!"

"Well, I don't see one, Numa!"

I flinched. It was my Mother and Father. They continued to yell at each other, my mother growing more and more distraught, sounding close to tears. I grew concerned, getting ready to rush forward and stop this if escalated much more. my father grew louder as my mother grew quieter, and he flung his arms all around. Suddenly, my mother grew pale, swaying in her spot. 

 I shot forward and supported her, saying "Father, she's unwell!" He broke off, snapping into focus, and his mouth set into a grim line, a weary sigh slipping out. He stepped forward, arms wrapping around around her. "I'm sorry dear. C'mon, I'll take you up to the room."

He scooped her into his arms as she nestled close to him. I watched with a smile as they trotted off.

I turned to see Kai and Gama staring with wide, slightly horrified eyes. I cocked my head.

"What's wrong?"

"That was the king and queen?"

I laughed a little, confused "yeah, why?"

Gama starred at me, looking more horrified than ever. "that was a terrible argument! they shouldn't do that in front of you three! why are you so nonchalant about this?!"

I starred at her. "Isn't this normal?"

I received a unified shout of "NO!"

"huh! weird." I shrugged. they shared a look.  

"I can't believe it.  She's completely desensitized." said Gama, exasperation plain in her voice.

"Y'know, I get why, but at the same time, this is aweful." Kai agreed.

I sighed.  "Whatever.  Let's just play! C'mon, don't be killjoys!" 

I turned to Aang and Kamaya.  "What do you want to play?"

They got a bright look in their eyes, shouting out simultaneously, "Pirates!" 

I laughed, "Alright then! Have at thee!" I cried, pointing an imaginary sword at them.  They ran giggling, and I chased them, a smile spread over my face.  

Eventually we were joined by our father.  he came out to watch us,  smiling.  he sat down on the blanket, not acknowlaging my friends.  They shared a look.  The three of us ran to our dad, and tackled him.  He laughed and i climbed off him.  "How's mom?"

He sobered at that.  "She's fine.  It was just one of her "dizzy spells"." He made quotation marks with his fingers.  He openly doubted the existence of her sickness.  He sighed.  "Honey, when your queen, don't be like your mother.  She's always more willing to run away, than to stand and be strong."

I shot him a look, then shrugged.  "Okay, Oppa!"


A/N: okay done with that memory.

now on to the next!

Addio, Hot-men!

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