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Kamaya PoV:

I woke up in a tent-like structure. And I was freezing. 'What the heck?' I thought.

Why was it so cold? I knew that we were in the southern water tribe territory, but I should still be warm considering I fell asleep with my big sister beside me. I rolled over and felt her side of the bed. It was also cold. I growled. I hate the cold. There was a reason they called me 'Flower'.

Because flowers wilt in the cold as well. I dragged myself out of the bed and tugged on my sky blue tunic. I stepped outside the tent to a rose and peach sunrise. The snow under my feet was a pale reflection of the colorful sky.

I took out my glider and took a running start. I opened the wings and my feet left the ground. I immediately felt free, like a bird. "Whoo!" I leaned to the right and swung out of the open ocean. I felt the cold wind nip my skin and sighed in contentment as I swooped over the ocean. We never could be free at that old temple. All those stuffy monks. I laughed as I circled an Iceberg and swooped down to the water, sticking my hand into the water at passing. It was also freezing, and I pulled my hand out of the water. I shivered a bit, suddenly feeling very daft. What else did I expect? I suddenly heard a shrieking whistle coming from the village.

I turned and soared back to the village, a smile spreading across my face. There standing at the edge of the water was Akela, red veil flowing in the wind, golden dress wrapped snug about her, one hand shielding her eyes.

I smiled at the sight, pulling into a dive to land next to her. She smiled back and pulled me close.

"Kkoch! what are you doing out here without warmer clothing!" Then she smirked. "after all we wouldn't want you wilting."

I gave my big sister a look "Haha, very funny, Akela." Then I turned toward the tent-like thing.

I began to trudge through the heavy snow. Then a thought popped into my head. "Hey, sis, where were you earlier?"

The crunching sound of footsteps behind me faltered.

Akela PoV:

There was gold light. Sweet smelling, soft pink petals beneath my feet, and a gentle voice singing nearby. A familiar voice. My mother's voice.

"Once there was a way to get back home,

But sleep pretty darling do not cry,

for I will sing, a lullaby. . . "

I woke with a start. a little pre-dawn light was shining through the door flap and onto my face. I turned over and looked at Kamaya. She was laying on her stomach, hugging her pillow. I smiled a little and crawled out of my warm bed. I slipped on a thick coat and grabbed my staff. I stepped through the door flap. The cold pre-dawn air licked my skin, and I shivered. I took a deep breath, feeling as though ice were slipping through my lungs.

I extended the wings of my glider and took off, catching the air currents and bending myself high into the sky. I soared in a little circle, double-checking that no one had woken up.

no one had. I smirked and flew out over the ocean. What was I doing, you may be wondering? well, I was searching for my dream people.

I scoured the sea nearby and swooped between all of the glaciers and icebergs, but I couldn't find them. I sighed and turned to go back to the tent as the sun was rising in a peach-tinted sky. I landed next to the tent and propped my staff up against the wall. I looked around for Kamaya. she wasn't there. Then I heard a voice crying "Whoo!"

I turned with a smirk to the ocean, then dropped my coat inside. I made my way to the edge of the water and looked out. There, swooping joyously around the icebergs, was my Kkoch. I put two fingers in my mouth and released a high squealing note. Kya immediately turned and soared toward me. Suddenly a wind blew up and my dress clung to me. I clutched at my veil with one hand, pulling it snug around me, and the other I used to shield my eyes. Kamaya landed next to me with a grin spread across her face. I smiled in return, happy to see her in such high spirits. I pulled her into a tight hug. "Kkoch! what are you doing out here without warmer clothing!" I exclaimed. Then I smirked. "After all we wouldn't want you wilting."

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