Oneus- come back home

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Sort of a dnd au (kind of a stretch but like soft dnd vibes) No specific roles are mentioned for each person though hwanwoong definitely gives off bard energy.

It had been 2 months since you last saw the six boys. You had no idea where they were or even if they were alive. The last time you saw them was at your bar. Your bar was popular amongst travelers like them. In fact, that's how you met them. They wandered in one day, bruised but not in the slightest bothered. Hwanwoong was the first to approach you and you quickly caught on that the guy was just a little bit flirty. He walked with confidence over to the bar, ordering some cocktails for him and his friends.
"You know most men say cocktails are a girls drink, too fruity for a man to like. But if you ask me, I think the best men are a little fruity."
That's when you met Leedo. The taller male had walked over in time to hear his tiny friend flirting and tapped him playfully on the back of the head.
"He's gonna spit in our drinks if you keep talking to him like that."
'Holy shit his voice is deep' was the first thought that ran through your head. His baby face fooled you into thinking he'd be a soft, gentle man but you were certainly mistaken.

From there you were introduced to the other four members of their group, each with their own unique quirks and interests. It wasn't very often that you saw customers come back as most of your patrons were travellers from all over. They never really stayed in one place for too long so faces rarely became familiar. These boys were different though. Often returning after each journey. It was common to look up from cleaning glasses to see Seoho's bright smile as the six made their way to their favourite bartender. But one day, they just disappeared.

It wasn't noticeable at first. They were often there one week, gone the next. They always let you know though. Informing you of their elaborate escapades before leaving. This time, however, they just left without warning. The first week wasn't too concerning but after a month or so, you were watching the door, awaiting their return. Every time you heard the floorboards creek, you'd pray it was your missing friends, returning with whatever treasure they were seeking.

It was particular quiet one evening so you had closed up shop early. The sign on the door stated you weren't open and as you tidied the tables, you heard the door swing open, hitting the wall behind it.
"Sorry we're closed, come back-"
You paused. In front of you, dripping with blood were your missing friends. Leedo was carrying Xion in his arms, panic on all of their faces.
"What happened?!"
"I-it's a long story. We didn't know where to come and we were hoping you knew first aid or something."

Fortunately for the travellers, you were a trained medic so their friend was in safe hands. It took some time but you were certain Xion would be okay. You offered them shelter and food until they were all well and safe. During that time you found where they had been. As it turned out, Xion had a brother who was also well travelled. His brother had run into trouble and had sent a distress letter to Xion via carrier pigeon (it was at this moment that you found out Keonhee was unusually scared of the flying creatures) and the six set off as soon as they could to help them. When rescuing his brother and his friends, he had been greatly injured. The two parties split off from each other after the rescue and Leedo had carried Xion the whole way.

"Why don't you have a medic travelling with you? It seems silly to not at least learn first aid."
"Seoho or Keonhee we're going to learn but they just never got round to it."
Ravn explained. It was just the two of you left up, everyone else being asleep, scattered around your home.
"I mean first aid isn't something you just get round to. It's an important asset of every travelling party. What happens if one of you chokes on your food? Do any of you know what to do? Simple stuff like that is why one of you needs to know first aid."
Ravn laughed a little at your example.
"I mean there's always space for one more in our party. If you wanted to tag along."
You sighed.
"I would but what about the bar? I know business hasn't been great but-"
"But what? Why don't you try living a little and explore the world with us. Surely it must be a little frustrating hearing all our stories but not being able to experience any of it. I'm not saying you have to but we enjoy your company and I think it would fun to have you with us. There's a reason we always come back here."
You paused, really thinking about his words.
"Oh fuck it. Why not. I'm teaching someone else first aid too though because I'm not gonna be able to resuscitate myself if I'm the one dying."
Ravn smiled brightly.
"The others will be so happy to hear that you're joining us."
"Y/n is coming with us now?!"
The familiar voice startled the the two of you.
"Keonhee! I thought you were asleep?"
"I was but I had a dream that I was being chased by a bunch of carrier pigeons that all had letters for me."
He shuddered at the thought as you and Ravn laughed.

The three of you talked through the night and as the morning sun was rising, the others joined you. Once you were all ready to head out, your adventure would begin. A new life was ahead of you and you were excited for the journeys you would go on.

Just a lil oneus thing cause I'm going to see them tomorrow. I managed to save enough for the VIP tickets to Hallyu Pop Fest in London. I'm only going on Saturday but I'm super hyped! Hopefully I get oneus out of the balloting thing for the hiwave meet and greet. If any of you are going tomorrow, let me know who you're most excited for!

My order of excitement is probably
1.  Oneus (one of 3 ult bgs and an ult bias)
2. Everglow (one of 3 ult ggs)
3. Hwasa and Astro (my ult bias from a gg. They're tied though for hype cause I'm really excited for both)
4. P1harmony (really hyped for them too)
5. Chen (he's very talented and I'm excited to see him but his music isn't really my vibe. It'll be a good experience though)
6. Sam Kim (same case as Chen, talented but not my personal taste)

I'm a little sad I'm not doing Sunday but the lineup isn't as good for my personal taste. I Prefer the headliner but I have a lot of ults on Saturday so it's like it was made for me lol.

If any of you are going and have vip, let me know who you're hoping to get for the hiwave cause I'm willing to trade anyone but oneus. I'm trying to manifest that it will be oneus but my luck with them is never very good. I have around 11 albums and not a single card for Hwanwoong lol.

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