Txt (Yeonjun)- hey! Thats my boyfriend!

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This was a request for VampireLord_2101 (they have a few books if you wanna check them out. I've only read part of 'pandemic uprising' but so far it's pretty good!) also sorry it took so long!

The plot: yeonjun sees his boyfriend at a fan meet, fluff ensues, some fan encounter angst, yeonjun protects his boyfriend because not all moas are good. This is blue hour era btw. Hope you enjoy and I'm sorry it took so long. Also I don't know too much about fan meets so I don't know how accurate this is lol.

Yeonjun had been working non stop since the blue hour album was released. His days were mostly made up of interviews, fanmeets, dance practices and just general idol work. It wasn't easy and he barely had time for eating, let alone a social life. But, there was hope! He was almost done with the exhausting promotions. While he was sad that he wouldn't get to see more Moas in person, it did mean he could see his boyfriend soon. With how little time he had to himself, the two boys hadn't seen each other for two months.

"What should I do with Y/n first?! We could go out for boba, or maybe a cat cafe! Oh, I know, we could have hotpot!"
Yeonjun was excited, one more fan meet until he could finally relax.
"You two could go visit the old persons home I'll put you in soon, old man."
He wasn't serious but Kai's tone indicated he was a little annoyed.
"Who peed in his cereal?"
Beomgyu and Taehyun spoke in unison, looking at each other afterwards like they had read each others minds. Kai sighed.
"I love Moa more than anything but if I have to bark bark one more time I will ring ding dong myself into non existence."
They all laughed.
"To be fair, Moa weren't the ones who released cat and dog, that one is on us. There's only one more fan meet left for the next couple months so after today there will be no more barking. Is everyone ready?"
Soobin made sure everyone was ready before they all went out on the fan meet stage.

"One! Dream! Hello, we are tomorrow x together."
They spoke in unison, hearing cheers of adoration from the crowd, and a few barks and meows (though that wasn't surprising). Yeonjun's mind was elsewhere, thinking of hugging Y/n for the first time in months.
"Hyung! Did you hear the question?"
He snapped out of his thoughts as Beomgyu tapped his shoulder.
"It was only a matter of time before his hearing went, he's getting old."
"Hey! I'm not that old, respect your hyung."
Everyone laughed at him and the maknae.
"If you're not old then answer the question you definitely heard with your old man hearing."
Soobin gave him a questioning look.
"Yes? That's your answer."
"Yeah, my answer is yes. Is there a problem with that?"
"They asked you what colour you're gonna dye your hair next."
Taehyun laughed.
"Yeah, all the colours. All of them, every single colour. Red, blue, pink, green, yellow, orange, purple. I'll even dye it periwinkle. What colour is that? I don't know but I'll do it. It sounds like a pink."
"It's a very light blue!"
One Moa yelled from the crowd.
"Thank you!"
Yeonjun looked out over the sea of fans, vaguely recognising the voice. Maybe they'd been to a fan meet before.

Then he spotted him, Y/n.
"Hey! That's my boyfriend! Y/nnnnn! Come over here."
Y/n made his way to the edge of the crowd before Yeonjun dragged him up on the stage and hugging him tightly. The rest of Txt smiled as most Moas aww'd at the cute display of affection.
"Yeonjunnie oppa deserves better! He's ugly. Stop forcing my oppa to be gay."
Yeonjun frowned, no one talks about his boyfriend like that! Fans began yelling out support for the couple, saying how cute Y/n was, especially with Yeonjun. Anyone who knew Txt well was aware of how supportive they were. Yeonjun had come out as gay long before he was with Y/n so he definitely wasn't a part of the so called 'gay agenda'.

"If you're going to be disrespectful towards the lgbt community then you've come to the wrong fan meet."
Soobin stated, standing up so people could see him better. Many Moas were still screaming out supportive things to show their support. Y/n was still hugging Yeonjun tightly, looking over his shoulder at the other members who were smiling at him. Yeonjun looked at the people who cared for him more than anything and smiled, before speaking into his mic.

"I love you so much Moa! No amount of hatred could ever drown out the support that you show us. If anyone here thinks that they can disrespect my boyfriend or really anyone that I care for then I hope they realise that I will never be able to care for them. I will never stop being who I am because some people don't think it's right."

For the rest of the fan meet Yeonjun had his boyfriend sat next to him. By the end of it many fans had told Yeonjun how they loved his openness in being gay and he even met a few Moas who were also like him (though that wasn't too surprising).

"I missed you so much! Now that we're not promoting anymore we can spend everyday together!"
Y/n smiled as his boyfriend rambled on about ideas he had for what the two could do.
"You two are so cute that it's gross. I'm gonna mirotic myself into the void."
Kai joked.
"Kai can your stop using iconic second generation songs as substitute words for bad things."
"Sorry sorry."
Soobin looked at the maknae with great annoyance.
"The only thing better than seeing you is getting a break from that."
Yeonjun joked with his partner.
"Yeah I think I'd probably ring ding dong myself off a bridge if I had to put up with people calling me old all day."
"Hey you can't use that one, I said it earlier."

Yeonjun and Y/n went on a walk later that evening, enjoying the peace that came with the night time. They stopped at a park they came across on their journey. Y/n turned to face Yeonjun.
"You know, it was really cute how you stood up for me earlier."
Yeonjun blushed.
"Well I couldn't just let someone disrespect you like that. As long as you're with me, no one with ever hurt or upset you."
"I love you so much, my protector."
Although he said it in a joking tone, Y/n knew that Yeonjun would do anything fo him.

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