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I woke up to Cindy harshly knocking on my door. "Wake up Delilah!!!! We're gonna be late cause of you" I rolled my eyes, "shut the fuck up" I said super annoyed. I was only going to this camp to get away from my dad.
And even then I didn't want to go, it was my first year and Cindy and Ziggy 3rd year. I never went before cause it sounded stupid and I didn't have any friends.

I get out of bed and start to get dressed. I put on the camp shirt just like Ziggy and very short denim shorts. I just brushed my hair cause I was to lazy to put it up. After I got ready I put some last minute things in my bag like 2 Stephen king books and some cassette tapes to play. I walked into the kitchen and peeked my head around the corner to see if my dad was home, and thankfully he wasn't. So I went into the kitchen and grabbed and apple. Then Cindy and Ziggy came into the kitchen and had breakfast. We all put our shoes on started to walk to the bus stop. On the way Tommy met us and me and Ziggy just stayed behind talking to each other.

Once we got there the bus arrived and we got on. Ziggy and I had just stepped on and she looked back at me "looks like your stalkers here" when she said that I knew who she was talking about. Steve. Steve had a major crush on for almost a year now and wouldn't stop bugging me. Just as I walked pass him he smacked my ass.  I gasped and flipped him off and went to sit with Ziggy. I put my bag away and right before I sat down she giggled. "Holy shit Del you have half his hand print right under your ass" I flipped her of and sat down and opened my book. About a half hour later we got to the Sunnyvale sign. Ziggy scoffed. I just ignored her. 5 minutes later Shelia and her brother got on the bus. I told Ziggy " I feel bad for her poor brother" "same" she said sarcastically. After 2 stops the Goode's got on. "Here comes the mamma's boys" Ziggy said in a gross tone. There were only 2 seats left one by me and one by Shelia. Of course will went to Shelia he only ever drooled over her.
Nick came over and made eye contact before he sat down. I hid my face in my book until he started talking to me. "Carrie,cool" I was shocked "you've read Carrie?" "Yea, second favorite" I just stared for a minute then hid my face again. The rest of the ride was silent until we got off the bus. I couldn't reach my bag. All of a sudden I feel someone come up behind me and grab it. It was nick. I stood there for a minute then just said "thanks" he nodded and I walked out of the bus and to the mess hall.

525 words


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