!Azul x Reader! Blackmail

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You hated Crowley with every bone in your body. He was annoying, stupid, and very irresponsible. You were tired of being his errand runner. You wanted to shut him up. You thought about killing him, but thought that it was too extreme, and you didn't want to be charged with murder. 

"So, my other option is blackmail. But I don't have dirt on Crowley though. How can I get information on him and use it against him so that he shuts up about his "graciousness?" You walked around the halls, pondering to yourself. 

After a bit of thinking, the answer finally dawned on you. Azul! He had dirt on every person, so of course he'd have blackmail on Crowley. However, you disliked the idea of going to Mostro Lounge particularly because the Leech twins scared you. 

"I'm just gonna text and ask him if he can send those tweels away before I come. They are creepy as hell, and I don't wanna run into them, especially now."

You pull out your phone and texted Azul.

Private message with Octo-Twerp:


Oi, Azul. I need something from you.


Oh, MC! It's quite rare for you to text me. What do you need?


I want to meet in your office to discuss... important business, but I need you to send your two creepy lackeys away. I really don't want to see their faces when I come over. Especially Jade. Send them on an errand or something and tell me when they leave ( ͡❛  ͟ʖ ͡❛).


I see. Alright then, I'll send them to Sam's shop. Give me a moment.

End message sequence

Azul POV:

It was quite rare of MC to ask a favor from him. Not wishing to miss an opportunity for a good deal, he decided to send Jade and Floyd on a shopping trip.

"Jade! Floyd! Get your butts here now!"

Jade walks in with his brother trudging in behind him. Azul got very worried as he had realized that Floyd was in one of his very bad moods. 

"I need you two to go shopping. The lounge's busiest time is coming soon, and we need to stock up on ingredients."

"Yes sir" Jade complies, but Floyd starts complaining.

"Noooo~ Azul-Chan I don't wanna~ I'm tired :("

"Floyd. Just please go."


"If you go, I'll not only let you buy one thing of your choice from the store, but I'll let you have a say of from working in the lounge tomorrow. Ok?"

"Hmmmm~ It's a good deal. Okie!"

Azul sighs and dismisses them on their errand before texting MC to come over. 

End of Azul POV

You made sure Floyd and Jade had made it far away from the mirror chamber before going in and through Octavinelle's mirror. You step through and end up in Mostro Lounge. As normal, there are students sitting and talking or getting work done.

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