Chapter 4

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My doorbell rang, waking me up. I groaned and hopped out of bed- er, fell out of bed. I picked myself up off the floor and walked over to the door, rubbing my eyes.

I opened the door, without bothering to look through the peep-hole. Nikki rushed past me, somehow awake. I just the door and walked over to my couch, falling on it.

"Jeez Faye, it's noon.. You seriously just got out of bed?! AND YOU OPENED THE DOOR IN THAT? What if I had been a hot guy?" Nikki said, and I laughed.

"Yes, I just woke up- you should know me by now! And if you were a hot guy, I'd be screwed. But you're not. So, it's all good!" I flipped over on to my back, and saw Nikki was sitting in my recliner.

Nikki was obviously planning on doing something today. Her blonde hair was curled and her green eyes were framed by makeup, applied by her own hand professionally. She worked at a salon, doing the makeup on girls who were getting ready for dances, dates, weddings.. Anything of the sort. I always felt inferior around her, with my brown hair that was weirdly wavy at times and straight at others, and then plain hazel eyes that were often murky. Plus, I only worked at a fast food restaurant. Actually, not even that anymore considering I just moved.

"Nikki, I just realized I need a job.. Greeaat," I groaned, not looking forward to job searching.

"Well, aren't you good with hair or something? I'm sure I could pull some strings at my-"

"No, Nikki. I need to get a job on my own. Although, if I don't find one.. I might just take ya up on that! So, why are you all dressed up nice?" I asked, glancing at her outfit. She was wearing a light blue top, patterned with tiny white dots and tucked into her high-low white skirt, topped off with a pair of white sandals and her nails painted to match her shirt.

"The One Direction concert silly!" She squealed, eliciting yet another groan to slip from my mouth. "Oh c'mon Faye, it'll be fun! Please just enjoy it?" Nikki asked, pouting. I glared at her.

"Fine, but you WILL pay for it, okay?" I sighed, giving in.

"Yes!! Okay, let's go pick out what you're gonna wear- maybe one of the boys will end up falling deeply in love with you!" She said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh- and you'll never believe it! After, like, two years my favorite twitter account reactivated last night!" My eyes widened.

"Cool! Uh, who was it?"

"Aw, you're showing fake interest! Anyways, it was a girl named Faye, coincidentally! Her twitter bestfriend was someone named Emma, but she unfollowed her last night, so I'm not sure. And she tweeted th-"

"Woah there, calm down! I don't care THAT much!" I joked, "Now, since you're so determined, let's get ready for that dumb concert of yours."

"We'll see how dumb you think it is when we get there!" She teased me, and dragged me to my room to get ready.


Five hours later and the end of the concert was getting really close. Nikki was obviously regretting her choice of clothes, but I was absolutely fine. I had straightened my hair then pinned some of it back, so that wasn't bothering me either. I was wearing cut-off shorts and a tie-dyed blue and purple shirt. I had kept the makeup light, opting for just mascara and SPF 50 infused foundation, so I wouldn't get burnt while waiting for the venue to let us in. I was also wearing converse, so my feet wouldn't hurt too bad.

The boys came out for the last song, Over Again. My personal favorite, so I screamed a bit. I had actually fangirled quite a bit, and I was pretty sure Nikki was wondering about my sanity. I had also almost gotten caught on twitter, as I was live tweeting the concert. Nikki fangirled a bit about that- she had no idea it was my twitter account she was a huge fan of- so she obviously didn't know she had no need to go looking for the girl, as the girl was standing next to her.

It reached Harry's part of the song, and I screamed quite loudly again. I watched him closely, and I saw him glance at me for a few seconds. I breathed a sigh of relief, as he didn't recognize me, then pretended to fangirl a bit for Nikki. Then I saw him do a double take at me, and my heart about dropped to my feet. He couldn't recognize me. No, he just.. He couldn't.

The song soon ended, and the boys said the typical good-byes and thank yous, running off stage afterwards.

Nikki and I stayed in our seats a while, so we could get safely backstage. The arena had cleared out a bit, so we started to walk backstage.

"VIP passes, girls?" A security guard asked, stopping us at the gate. We quickly showed them to the guard, and he pointed us in the direction of the boys. I refrained from tweeting, as Nikki would get it and freak out on me. I then promised myself I would tell her later.

As we neared the door leading to where the boys where, my heart rate picked up. What if they remembered me? It had been two years, so they couldn't possibly.. But, Harry had taken a double take.. But still, maybe he just decided to tell his sister to do some tie-dyed shirts because he thought it was cool.

Probably not. But, a girl can hope- right?

We walked in the door, and the boys all stopped wrestling to look at us. Nikki had a huge grin on her face, so I did my best to plaster on one that hopefully looked real. The boys all did a double take at me, and Harry kept staring. My heart fell to my feet yet again. Great. They then centered their attention on Nikki, who took it upon herself to introduce us.

"Um, hi! My names Nikki and I won a contest, so I decided to bring along my friend here who's name is-"

"Faye, right?" Harry said coldly, his eyes narrowing. I looked at the other boys, first all with confused expressions then they seemed to understand.

I looked at Nikki, who had a mixture of a confused and disappointed expression on her face. I took a deep breath and answered him myself.

"Um, yeah... Hi, boys," I cringed, waiting for whatever may happen next.


I hope everyone liked this chapter! Please vote/comment/fan, it would literally mean the world to me- all three only take about 3 seconds or more, depending on how long your comment is or how stubborn whatever your electronic device is decides to be :)

Anyways, I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day! Again, please tell me what you think! If you liked this chapter or not.. I do love reading comments when I get them :)

Love you allllll!

-Hannah xx

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