Chapter 7

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"Well, not create because that would suggest I made something that was new when, in truth, I was fixing something that already existed. Something that was...broken. So, I resurrected you or whatever."

Sierra said it simply as if it was something simple, but it shattered the brunette's world. Emma laughed, but she sensed no dishonesty or humour in what Sierra said. Finally, she responded, her voice sounding nothing like it usually did. "That's impossible!"

"Anything is possible with science."

"No." Emma stood, pacing the small area between the two couches. Her eyes were distant as she tried to recall what Sierra was saying. Tried to recall anything at all. She spent almost an hour going through everything she knew about the human anatomy: evolution. What she knew about genetics. She didn't know much, but she knew it was impossible to raise the dead.

She blinked, coming to a halt, her eyes refocusing to take in Sierra's face. "It is not possible. The human brain cannot be replicated or revived. Once it's dead, it's dead. It is not possible."

"But what if it was? What if you made it possible?"

"Sierra, scientists since the beginning of time have tried and failed repeatedly. Why on earth would I achieve that? The unachievable. What would make me that special? If it were possible, I'm sure it would be all over the news, and the wealthy would spend their lots trying to get immortality."

"So... You're calling me a liar?"

"I never said that."

"Emma," Sierra walked to her, taking Emma's hand between hers. They were cold and slightly shivering. She ignored it, meeting Emma's amber eyes. "I know this is a lot to digest."

Emma scuffed. "It's impossible, Sierra."

"There is something called a Spirit Orb. It unlocks a lot of what we know as impossible. Nothing is impossible anymore."

"Why is it I can't remember anything, then? I can't remember who you say I am-"

Sierra sighed. "These things always have a side effect."

"Memory loss? How convenient."

Sierra swallowed. "Inconvenient, really."

Emma found the couch, her legs going weak beneath her. She didn't know what to make of this new information. She knew she didn't believe it. She couldn't. She wasn't just some kid's science experiment, and she'd be damned if she let Sierra convince her she was. Life didn't work that way. People didn't just go around raising people from the dead because they could. There had to be laws to prevent something as morally wrong as that.


Emma's eyes found Sierra's face and she could see the hurt in Sierra's eyes. Sadness filled the room. It was all they felt, all they breathed, and it lingered in the pit of Emma's stomach, making her nauseous.

"No." Emma shook her head.

Sierra reached for her, but Emma was faster, crossing the room to the kitchen.

She went after her. "Emma, let me explain."

"Explain is what you would do when you cheat on your girlfriend or rec someone's car. There is nothing you can say to me right now, Sierra."

"Emma, please just listen for a minute..."

She swivelled around to face Sierra, hiding her emotions behind a stoic posture. "Okay."

"Oh," Sierra spluttered, her words caught in her throat. "I didn't actually think you would listen."

"Well, I did, and you know what I heard? Nothing. You told me my entire life is a lie. That I'm not even real..." Though she wasn't crying on the outside, she felt as if she was drowning on the inside. Her tears burnt her, clawing at her eyes to be released as she thought about the loneliness she felt since she woke up to Harvey. She had no family anymore, no place to call home. There was no recollection of herself. She'd been lost and confused in this already confusing world. She bit her lip and fought hard to stop her tears from spilling.

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